I have a confession to make: I am a die hard Target shopper. If a couple of weeks go by without a visit, I begin having the shakes. I need my fix. Now this may be because I have two of them within a mile of my house, but I doubt it. I know there are die hard Wal-Mart lovers out there, so don’t hate me. I just love Target….more! So, in tribute to my love affair I have decided to share MY TOP TEN REASONS:
1. The dollar aisle. Oh how it woos me. This was especially important to me when I was a teacher. But now, still, it’s amazing what I find. Little trinkets for every holiday and little toys for every child on my radar.
2. The designer clothing collaborations. I know, everyone has them -the Wal-Mart’s, and the JcPenney’s. But the Target brand has the uncanny ability to bring edgier designers to them and that’s just plain cool. Alexander McQueen, anyone?
3. The shoe department. They carry rows of hip and affordable trendy shoes. You can find any trend there from ballet flats to gladiator sandals to cagey heels.
4. The kids clothing section. I can stock up on basics, like tees in various colors, or trendier jeans and shorts, all for somewhere between $5-$10 per item. The girls section blows the boys section away as far as the cuteness factor goes- but that’s in every store! Where kid’s clothes are concerned- girls rule and boys drool!
5. One stop shopping. There is a reason why I hear from countless people that they can’t leave Target without blowing $100 a pop. Clothes, shoes, patio and garden, house wares, groceries, books, movies, DVDs, need I say more?
6. The generic target brand. It rocks. I buy Target mopping cloths, baby wipes, and fragrance discs, to name a few.
7. Deals on name brand items. I shop for items I know are cheaper there than the grocery store, like diapers and certain frozen food. I hear the same from friends.
8. The store’s ambiance, organization and presentation. It draws you in! I just feel happy shopping there! Maybe they pump oxygen through the vents like in Vegas. I know, it’s just a myth, or is it?
9. The checkout lines. I can count on my one hand how many times I had to stand there for longer than five minutes. And it doesn’t seem to matter which store I’m in. They all seem to be speedy.
10. Clean bathrooms. Hey, if I’m going to stop at the Starbucks counter inside your snazzy store and then down a Grande, there had better be a bathroom around! Across the board, bathrooms always seem to be clean and smell good!
Target, I salute you! Please don’t ever change or leave!
I love this list and I concur with all of them!!!
I love this list and I concur with all of them!!!
100% agreed, I'm a die hard Target lover myself! (I have one within a mile of my house.) To add to your list : there are more often than not awesome deals on the clearance racks. The cafe is a decent place to take little ones for a quick snack or lunch. Their stores are clean and well organized. I've been to plenty of them and am rarely disappointed! Viva la Target, you are the best!
I wish we had Target here.
This is every reason why I love Target, too. Heck, I'm going there tonight to remind Target why I love it! I've loved Target ever since I worked there in high school and used to use my 10 percent employee discount to buy albums, which, if THAT doesn't prove I've loved Target forever, I don't know what does!
I love Tar-jay. It completes me.
I also love that they close for holidays (like Easter) to give their employees a well deserved break and time with their families, unlike some OTHER stores we know...ahem...Wally World cough cough...
I totally agree, glad to know I am not the only one! I would only add their Nick & Nora pjs. Always great patterns, cute cut and incredible price.
Too right, you!
Amen Sister! I'm a die-hard Target fan....love, love, love that store!
Another Target-lover here! I just wish ours carried groceries. Well, they do, but it's veeeery limited. I still have to shop "the other store" to get groceries.
I am with you completely!!!! I love it there... and I have one a few miles from me. Its the bestest ever store!!! Mine even has groceries, shesh there is no reason for me to go any where else.
This is another great top ten list Christina. I love Tarje, great quality at incredible prices. Enough said.
We're a TARGET loving family too. My son works there part time.
I think I need a Target fix myself! I find the cutest T-shirts there.
I ended up on this blog from your comment on the budget babe and I was browsing your posts deciding whether to add to my bookmarks, well this target love fest sealed the deal... It really is one of my favorite stores.
I could have written this list! I agree, entirely!
I am sooooo with you! My twins (2 years old) already love it. It may help that it is next to Barnes and Noble where the Trains are but they get very excited about Target visits!!
I agree with you - LOVE TARGET!!! I happily drive over an hour to get there, and hate to leave when I do!
I adore Target. I live in San Francisco where there is no Target and going to the nearest Target is enough to make me giddy.
I agree with your list completely! I love that they have high end designers designing for them. What a brilliant marketing idea!
I am so JEALOUS that we don't have Target in Canada!
I agree. Target is on the spot. Heh!
And those dollar things add up!
Target makes me so happy. It's a weekly trip. I once asked a friend where she got her awesomely cute flats -- Target! I thought they were Frye!!
I love that when they want to move something out the door, they mark it way down. I bought my nephew tons of clothes for Christmas over a period of a few months. Each shirt was no more than $2 because of Target's awesome clearance racks.
Visiting from SITS
Isn't Target just AMAZING!? There's just something about the shiny red signs and the discount prices that make for hours and hours of shopping bliss.
Happy SITS day!!
You are so my hero for being brave enough to celebrate your love of Target. You see, I have a deep love with it as well, to the point that my husband knows not to even ask what I did on my day off. Getting a popcorn and soda, browsing all the goodies is my idea of a relaxing, great time. Oh Target, how I heart thee!
Oh yea, stopping by from SITS and LOVE IT!
I totally agree! Okay, honestly, I buy my groceries at Wal-Mart, because I work at the Distribution Center and get ten percent off my purchases. But before my little discount card I never shopped at Wal-Mart, and even now I much prefer Target. The store is clean and pretty, the home decor is amazing, the produce section makes my heart beat faster, and their deli so, so awesome. They have sushi! And come on, Wal-Mart might have a McDonald's but Target has a STARBUCKS. Enough said; Target is the place to be!
OMG yes! Target is my favorite store!
I wish we had target here!
We don't go there very often, but do always find shower gifts there when we need something. You're right about the lines, never a long wait.
Congrats on your SITS day!
I fully agree. Target is totally my favorite place to shop, especially now that I'm losing the baby weight (finally!) and am beginning to fit into their regular misses clothes again, which are so cute. Do you call it Target? Or Tar-jay (pronounced with a French accent)? :)
this post *might* get stolen and written on my blog. I have always said that I think that Target emits crack right down from the vents. It is the ONLY explanation.
I Heart Target.
I dare you, no, no, I double dog dare you to walk in without buying something. Try it. You'll see what a junkie you truly are ;)
I love Target, too! And your list is right on. Now I know why I spent $89 that one time I went in there for two pair of girls tights! Ugh! Gotta love it though.
Amen to the top ten list!! I'm a proud card-carrying member and if I get out under $100, I feel like I must of missed something. LOL.
Love, love, love.
I love Target too! What I like most about it this year was two things: 1. The dollar section helped me spoil msyelf for my own birthday. 2. They donated their pure energy plus size extra stock to Goodwill and I got it all HALF OFF!
I have to agree. I always manage to take a stroll down the kitchen isle when I'm there.
I could not agree with you more! I love Target as well, for all the same reasons. Where I live in VA, they are currently renovating our store to add fresh groceries (it will be ready in April). I can't wait! It will then officially be my one-stop-shop.
Clean bathrooms are where it's at! I love Target for that and for their stylish accessories. I am a scarf addict and they are the pushers!
Happy SITS Day!
I heart Target! It's a real favorite!
Now I want to go to a Target!
I avoid Tar-jay at all costs b/c I can't go in there without spending $100 or more!!!
I agree with all your reasons...but the quick checkout thing doesn't apply to the Target I shop at unfortunately :( My sister and I have a little rule: Unless we're going in there specifically to get groceries, we should not get a cart. Or a hand basket. We only buy what we can carry, otherwise we'd spend WAY too much $$$!!!
I agree! Target over Wal-Mart, anyday! I live in a small town, though, so I have to really plan my trips there. That is also an advantage to small towns...less spending!
I heart Target. It really is a happy place, even the employees on average seem more helpful and friendly than a certain other superstore, which I also believe suffers from bad Feng Shui. Something about the way things are laid out at Walmart always leaves me feeling icky.
I have a deep love for Target as well! Too bad that we have to travel a bit to get to one! I wold give my right arm to have one within a few miles from home!
You took the words right out of my mouth! It truly is the most wonderful place on earth. Just not good for my bank Account.....
I love Tarjay as well, you forgot to have on your list how clean the store is.....Ours is always spotless. ;))))
Oh, I love Target too. They have a selection that other stores just don't have, and they have the cutest stuff for the home....I love browsing through their scrapbook stuff too. But kids' clothes are the best and baby items. Yeah, I love Target too. Happy SITS Day!
I agree. I think Target puts Wal-mart to shame!
I, too, am a fan of Target. Wonderful Target. I've been known to glam it up and call it Tarzhay. Excellent clearance items. Awesome Dollar Spot. And ours has a bakery. Free cookies for the kids. What could be better?
I love target! They're definitely good about keeping their shelves organized and everything in its place. I can't wait to register there for my wedding!!
Happy Sits day!
Stopping by from SITS. I like Target's generic brand products, too.
I cannot leave without dropping $100 either! In addition to the $$$, I cannot go in there and not kill at least a whole hour. Not to mention the fact that I go in without "needing" a single thing!
Congrats on your SITS day!
I agree! I love Target. Just bought myself two shirts there last week and buy almost all my daughters clothes there. I do agree their boys clothes could use some improvement but you are right that is everywhere. Target brand also rocks and organization, flow of people, and ease of checkout far exceed Wal Mart.
I have even had to drive 15 minutes or more to Target in my last two houses but it is completely worth it!
being a "perimeter shopper" myself, I whole-heartedly agree SITStah!
Stopping by from SITS
Ditto this post! I love Tar-jay! They were going to build a Super Target and Home Depot about 5 miles from our house (cleared the ground for the new complex and everything) but the plans tanked when the economy did. Whole community was bummed and praying it gets reignited.
Happy SITS Day!
I am a die hard Target shopper too! I love going there just to look around, even though I know I can't look around without buying something! I think the Target brand baby wipes are the best!
Over from SITS and having a good time. I also love me some Target, and I too go broke saving money there. Ditto the $100 theme. But, I'm jealous -- you have a Starbucks in yours? All we have is a friggin Pizza Hut! Then again, if there was a Starbucks, I might never go home. (Wow, that was a sad admission)
I heart Target too!!! However, I have to drive 45 minutes to get to one. Lucky you!
I'm with on 1-9, but I have not found a Target store yet that has a clean, well stocked bathroom. If I know I'm going to Target and will be there for longer then 5 minutes, I always make sure to use the restroom before I go!
Yes times ten! I love Target's grocery center. I end up saving more there than I would at WalMart. (which is great because I hate going to WalMart) Target has cool jewelry and purses too. What's not to love?
I agree with everything except for the lines thing. It feels like there is ALWAYS a line at my Target. ALWAYS :(
But I definitely get the shakes when it's been a while and I haven't been there. Maybe I'll go this afternoon just to get some quality "me" time in while the husband watches the baby.
Stopping in from SITS!
You put it all into perspecitve for me--Target Revealed :-) Happy SITS Day!
the greatest/worst store in the world! total one stop shopping but you also go in for *one item and leave with a cart full and an empty wallet. well, at least I do ;)
I LOVEthe dollar section! A definite favorite! But I wear a size 13 shoe, so I can't ever buy their shoes, although I have drooled over them on occasion... ;)
I"m with you on this whole list..and I'd add one more: The aisles are so nice and wide! Kiddo loves to go to Target because she can wear her Heelys all around, and never bother a soul because even when there's lots of people, there's plenty of room :)
I love Target, too. But we don't have it in Canada. Sucks to be Canadian here today. I usually like being Canadian, too... but combine the lack of Target with the not being able to enter to win your lovely necklace and it's all coming up bleh. :(
Not to worry, though. I'm optimistic I'll get to go sometime, soonish, maybe.
Target ROCKS! It is clean, orderly, and has the goods!
Love me some Target too! And their big ol carts perfect for lots of tots!
Happy SITS
Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner
Last year I did 52 Graces: a list of 52 things for which I was grateful. I love Target so much that I even had to list it as a Grace. My Target also has a Starbucks (for which I am eternally grateful!) and the best restrooms in New England. Great post.
I, too, am I die-hard Target lover. I tried to like Wal-Mart, but I just don't!
Agreed X 10! I love, love, love Target! And #5? Totally me.
Happy SITS Day!
i am a minnesota girl, target is headquartered here... so the w-word (walmart) is a no no.
glad to hear that other people are as obsessed as i am.
I am a Wal-mart person, but I like Target better. Better styles, neater presentation, cleaner over all--maybe they pump oxygen in the vents. And yeah, that dollar isle rocks!
I like Target, too. You forgot to mention designers in the homegoods dept.
another Target lover here! stopping by from SITS
Target rocks...but so so so dangerous!
Target is awesome. However, our store always seems to be really, really hot which makes it very uncomfortable to shop.
Stopping in from SITS.
No hate here! I totally agree with you on all counts. Target rocks!
Oh yes, stopping in from SITS!! Happy SITS day!
Yep, Target is a good store. I just wish it was within my budget to always shop there and skip Wal-Mart completely.
Target ROCKS! When I went through my purple phase in house decorating years ago ... before it was in ... they were the only ones!
And the Sandalwood candle is the best.
I concur!
Target Sisters Unite!
from SITS!
Two of them within a mile?! Target placement is so unfair. The one nearest my home is 40 miles away. But I do love Target.
I LOVE Target! I would like to add their general selection of women's clothing to the list - they always seem to have the cutest dresses and sweaters!
oh yes. i like target quite well, myself. especially the shopping carts. they're pretty. and. our target has sanitizing wipes to wipe down the pretty carts. so. bonus!
I agree! I love Target! If they sold their pants in tall sizes, they would be perfect!
oh yea.. Target RAWKS! I'm so glad it's only a mile or two from my house... and that Walmart is alot further... I sooo don't like Walmart
[sigh] Oh Target, I do love it so.
Love Target more than life itself.
Why don't we have Target in Italy, now you made me need it!
They have to pay you.;)
wal-mart is closer, but when I can I go to Target.
I love Target too, but I have to avoid it for how easily I can blow money I didn't budget out for my shopping trip. SO many goodies. Cheap prescriptions too!
Loved this! Hey have you seen this at your Target yet? Totally cracked me up!!! Um, yeah and I bought em!
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