And Julie & Julia:

Both at the same time (I do that sometimes), so that I can get out to see the movies.
They are both pretty "brainy" books (also known as, :) literary fiction) and so it helps to take a break from the eloquently flowing sentences and big words of one, and dive into the other.
If there is a movie I want to see and I know it's based on a book, I do my darndest to read the book first.
I like to compare the book to the movie and see how they envisioned the scenes and what they changed.
Does anyone else do that?
Also, I have this crazy little pipe dream of the young adult book I just finished writing being published and then later, being turned into a movie. YEP!
It is a zombie love story (shocking, I know, coming from me-you were probably expecting something more along the lines of Gossip Girl or Sex in the City), and my leading man isn't zombie-ish at all (until he turns into one), he's rather dreamy. And his love interest, well, she kind of resembles me (not personality wise, though) and she's got some dark and mysterious stuff of her own going on.......
So here's how I envision it:
The leading man (whose mature, but young) should be played by a relatively unknown actor, like say, Chris Pine (although Star Trek has made him popular):

Or, maybe, Channing Tatum:

But I'd take Jake or Zac too :) Really I'd love Johnny Depp or Christian Bale but they're (yikes) too old for the character (like me). ;)

And my leading lady (mature, but young too) would be played by Megan Fox:
Or as my BFF, Denise suggests (she read my manuscript and we have these silly conversations), Camilla Belle:

I know, I know: SILLY (but fun)!
Stopping by from SITS. I'd want George Clooney to be my leading man!
Aren't you full of surprises? I love it!That Channing guy is HOT- I'd go with him!
How fun! I have that same pipe dream but I figure by the time I get published and the movie is actually made, Hollywood will have changed dramatically! Megan Fox is quite a stunner, isn't she?
I'd see your book-turned-movie just to look at all the pretty people. Plus I love classic monsters.
Oh my! Choose Channing! I LOVE HIM! Step up and his other movies! I LOVE HIM. Then I would have to watch your movie!
I'm reading 3 books right now too. And one of them is The Time Traveler's Wife. :) It's pretty good, isn't it?
I say, use any of those leading men; but play yourself! LOL!
haha i love it!!
haha i love it!!
Congratulations on finishing your book! You know, there was a session at BlogHer on getting published, and all the sessions were 'live-blogged' and are up on the BlogHer website - you should check it out if you don't already have an agent.
I am so out of the loop I only recognize like one of those people.
I've read both of those books and really enjoyed Time Travelers Wife - one of my favorite books of all time. I should re-read it and try to see the movie too!
I am the same way. I always try to read the book first. I read My Sister's Keeper and LOVED It (although I wanted to kill myself when I was done) the movie was good-but not half as good as the book.
My boyfriend just watched The Kite Runner and said it was amazing, but I plan on reading the book first!
I cant wait to read Julia and Julie! And see the move. I often find the book much better. TTW was great.
And its a great dream...I hope it comes true for you!
I found Time Traveler's Wife to be such a great book! I never wanted the story to end. I can't wait to see the movie. I may pull a first and go see it on my own this weekend.
I haven't read the book, but I thought Julie and Julia was SUCH a good movie, too!
I always try to read a book that's made into a movie I'll one day see first, but seriously, based on how few movies I get to, I guess I'm just well read! I read Julie and Julia a few years ago, and I have The Time Traveler's Wife on hold at the library (based on the number of copies I've been selling while at work, everyone wants to read it). I also downloaded it first as an audiobook, but I think I can read it faster than the nearly 20 hours it would take to listen to it, for that 20 hours would really average out to something more akin to 50 hours based on how often I get access to quiet time!
Finally, I think Zac is looking to break out, so, you know, that's some good uncharted territory for him!
I am the exact oppossite, if I loved a book, I will NEVER see the movie. It is not as I expected and it ruins it for me...
i want to read time traveler's wife. i am going to start on alchemist and peony in love.
I'm reading Time Traveler's Wife right now too. I can't wait for the movie!
i'd probably see this just to look at these people. but i'm sure the plot is awesome too ;)
Oh how fun! Megan Fox has thee most amazing eye brows! You could be on to something I mean I never ever thought that I would like a book about vampires and I was addicted to Twilight.
man, i'm dying to read both of those books!!! i'm so behind on my reading!
Jake is such a fine actor that he could play the part. I've always thought of casting my WIPs or even finished manuscripts either at the time writing or certainly be the time I was rewriting. It really does help!
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