And I wouldn't lie. The first Twilight movie was just ok. If it was a C, then New Moon would be a B+. It was done really well!
One of the best parts was being in the theatre with the fanatics (of all ages)wearing their Edward or Jacob t-shirts and Twi jewelry who waited in line to buy tix forever and then screamed their bloody heads off EVERY SINGLE TIME Edward or Jacob entered a scene.
But it's ok, I get it--I was screaming on the inside :) Mostly I just sighed like I was hot and bothered ....alot!

#1- Oh Edward, how do you do that thing to me, that you do? *SIGH*

#2- The werewolf special effects were PRETTY DARN COOL. Jacob, I almost crossed over to your side--almost! YOU, with your probing, soulful eyes and that buff physique. And then the anguish on your face and the pain in your eyes when, when..well you know...
I was feeling all sorry for you!

#3- Seeing the Volturi played out on the big screen was amazing (although I do wish a little more backstory was shown about them)--I imagine it being especially surreal for Stephanie Meyer!
SO-- if you're a true Twlight fan, you've GOT TO go see it, if only to experience the book played out on the big screen. But if you've never read the books (WHAT? shocking!) I think you'd enjoy it as well.
Hi! Just stopped by from SITS. I'm watching the Today Show and Rob Pattinson just walked outside to greet his fans. It's just crazy to me! I'm not into the books or the films (never read one or saw the first movie) so I guess I wouldn't understand but it's wild. So glad to see so many people get this enthusiastic about books though.
Have a great day!
I haven't seen the first movie yet - but I just rented it and have it in my family room and plan to watch it this weekend. Maybe then I'll head to the theater and watch this one! Team Edward, baby!
I'm so glad you liked it! I read the books, and was wondering whether all the New Moon hype would ever live up on the big screen...I'm so glad it does!!!! I'm really looking forward to the Volturi scenes:) Can't Wait!
BTW, I'm Team Jacob all the way!!
It looks so good! Do I detect a shirtless theme, though--which by the way is fine with me :-)
Sounds so exciting! I love hearing about every else's experience.
I've never understood the team Jacob or team Edward thing. Since I've read the books. I know the outcome. And no one really looses.
So since I like to be different. I'll be a team of one for Carlisle. He's the one I'm a fan of ;D
Well, I talked Jason into going to see it with me next week!! Woo-hoo!!
I'm so glad to hear that it's better than Twilight, which I personally thought stunk. I'm not looking forward to seeing Kristen Stewart again, but Jacon and Edward should make up for it!
I think this is one trend I'll pass on. I'm not really into the whole vampire stuff anymore.
Double Squeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! can't wait!!!!!
Love it! Team Jacob all the way!
I have to tell you... as a grown woman I am physically more attracted to Jacob, which I think technically makes me a pedophile. Isn't he like... 17? But, I do love me some vampire. So tough. I'm going tomorrow with my girls!
I can hardly wait. If my thirteen year old didn't have school tomorrow, we would be at the midnight show tonight.
I definitely did not read the books but when I watched the first movie I was IN LOVE, im thinking about reading the books now, i came over to the dark side hahaa
Ohh your review makes me want to see it. Unfortunately, the website of the only cinema in my city that accepts online reservation is down. It's been down ever since the New Moon fever started, darnit.
Love the books and LOVED the movie. I wasn't a huge fan of the first movie - but they really did a great job with this one. I am Team Edward - but I All the middle school girls where screaming their heads off - I laughed but I do think my jaw hit the floor when he took his shirt off to help Bella and her bleeding head.
How about some Bella style post - I thought she looked especially cute in this movie.
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