Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Post... allow this mature adult some time...

to GUSH like a thirteen-year-old...

My friend got us tickets for tonight's preview of NEW MOON!!!


The seating is first come, first serve so my body may be trampled by a group of teens (or their moms) on the way in.

I'll still get to see it from my nose bleed seats way in the back. You never know...I may get in some decent jabs to the ribs to score us more decent seats. :)

I will report back to you about it in my post tomorrow!

Should I bring my Bella and Edward barbie dolls with me?

Just kidding, I don't own those (YET!)

p.s. I do realize that if I wait a week I can see it in a regular theatre, in a more relaxed environment. It's the same concept as Shopping at 4 am the day after Thanksgiving--there's just something about the hype of it :) Plus it's got to be better than the first movie, right? Shirtless werewolves, Italy, the Volturi....


Katie Anderson said...

OMG!!!!!!!! I am green with jealousy!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to go!!!!

for a different kind of girl said...

Ha! Um...have fun! I'll be sleeping, but you probably could have guessed that, huh?


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I'm always on a high on Black Friday ;D

I'll be seeing the movie probably a week later, when things die down a bit. But do tell us how you like it!

Jennifer Fabulous said...

Lucky you!!! I'm totally jealous. That sounds beyond fabulous. :) I hope you guys have an amazing time (which I'm sure you will). I'm so excited to see that movie!

Maddy said...

I'm green with envy :) Hope you have fun! I'm hoping to catch it after we return from the Thanksgiving weekend. Let us know how it went!

Sturgmom said...

SO exciting!! I can't wait to hear your report TOMORROW (hint hint). I wonder if I can talk my husband into going to see it with me next week...

The Blonde Duck said...

You'll have so much fun!!!

From what I can tell, porcupine meatballs are made with rice/ noodles/ hard bread crumbs so they're crunchy. I've never had them, but they were too amusing not to mention.

lisa and laura said...

Can't wait to hear about the whole scene! Tweens in action! Love.

Unknown said...

Now the "preview" in our city isn't until midnight on Thursday night...not fair! Not sure who's more excited - me our my 13 year old!!

Hardygirl said...

We're there Friday night!!! I had no idea there were Barbie dolls!
