Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Day-After Christmas...

The house is a mess, wrapping paper is scattered everywhere, pine needles are falling at a rapid rate.

We're still in our PJ's, eating chocolate covered animal crackers, putting together our umpteenth Leggos set, moving at a snail's pace, savoring out family time.

LOVE this hostess gift my sister brought me on Christmas Eve. See the wine label?

haha- PERFECT!

See ya in a couple more days!


Ann said...

Yep, in my PJ's over here too! Relish it!

Harmony said...

I love that bottle. Great idea!

The Blonde Duck said...

I hope you had a lovely Christmas!

Unknown said...

PJs and legos. Sounds like a perfect day to me!

All Women Stalker said...

That is the most awesome thing I've seen all day. Haha


K.Line said...

That is hilarious! And you have lots of fortitude lady. I'd be cleaning - and making everyone's life a stressy misery. What wonderful perspective you have. I'm working on it.

Anonymous said...

Amazing bottle of wine! love it! haha

Maddy said...

How funny!! Any word on where she picked it up? Sounds like a perfect gift for my sister too :)

Christina Lee said...

Maddy-it's a South Australian Grenache made by Grateful Plates Imports--it also says R wine on th back- hope that helps!
K. Line haha yeah that was yesterday-today Iam totally in cleaning mode!

marian said...

sounds like the perfect holiday time with family. Missed visiting your blog honey.
Happy holidays

Alexis Voltaire said...

My mom has a bottle of Bitch too, I love the label on the back, "bitch, bitch, bitch..." haha. They mention it on Keeping Up with the Kardashians too :)