Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Favorite Television Shows of 2009

These are the shows I consistently DVR'd. I would have included Mad Men in here but sadly, I wasn't consistent enough with it.

1. 24. Jack Bauer, you and I go back along way. To season one. Despite a couple of mediocre seasons, you still manage to keep me on the edge of my seat.
2. Lost. Sawyer, I am still rooting for you! And Sayid--*swoony swoon swoon*! 3. Dexter. There is just something so intriguing (and disturbing) about the life of a serial killer.
4. Glee. Love the music, the quirkiness, and the politically incorrect one-liners.
5.Vampire Dairies. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the story line. I personally don't think it's cheesy. The acting is pretty darn decent!

And I can't overlook Reality TV. I've watched parts of:

The real Housewives of Atlanta
American Idol
America's Next Top Model
Dancing With The Stars

Anything on E! like, Keeping Up with the Karsdashians, and Girls Next Door (not sure about this season)
Anything on Bravo, Like Tabatha's Salon Takeover

Tag, you're it!


Harmony said...

I have got to watch Glee already. I keep hearing great things about it! Unfortunately I am hooked into many reality shows that eat up my valuable time- I am too embarassed to admit which ones.

Unknown said...

I have just started watching 24 from season 1... It's good! Lost will be next. I've never heard of the others. Well, except Glee. It looked good so we started watching it, but I wasn't as impressed.

Alissa Grosso said...

I've never been a big TV watcher, and even though my parents (who I'm living with right now) have DVR, it is beyond my limited technical ability. That said, I did get hooked on Glee, and have been watching episodes via Hulu. I do tend to watch the Thursday night show on NBC, especially The Office and Parks and Recreation. I miss My Name is Earl.

Maddy said...

Oh! This is hard!! I'm a bit of a TV Junkie, so narrowing it down seems like a bit of a task! However, it looks like we have similar taste in TV Shows :o)

Well, this is not even skimming the surface of my DVR playlist, but here goes my list of the most entertaning shows this year:

1) Dexter
2) Lost
3) True Blood
4) Modern Family (Best New Show IMO)
5) Bravo Housewives (New Jersey, New York & Atlanta)

for a different kind of girl said...

I'm waiting anxiously for the fourth season of Dexter to come out on DVD some time (not soon enough!) so I can watch it. Until then, I am doing all I can to avoid reading about this season so I don't have the ending spoiled for me, for I hear it is amazing.

I'm a Lost, 24, Glee, Mad Men (just watched all three seasons this winter), True Blood, Modern Family, Top Chef girl.

Diana said...

I never really got into any of these, and I don't have cable, so my options are limited. The only show I really watch regularly is 30 Rock. I love Mad Men and True Blood, but I'm always a season behind because I watch them on DVD.

Hardygirl said...

I'm watching Weeds on Netflix . . . a little behind the curve, I know!


Anonymous said...

We like 24 at my house too. Stopping by from SITS!

Taleia said...

I totally agree with you about Sayid, but really... SAWYER? No way - Jack! :)

Elana Johnson said...

Man, I'm missing a lot of quality TV. I only watch GLEE on your list...

lisa and laura said...

I'm so with you on this list. I'd love to post mine, but I think I'd be too embarrassed to allow the general public to see just how much tv I watch on a day-to-day basis.

Alicia said...

Ohhh good list! I'd have to add gossip girl and real housewives of the oc to the list!!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Wishing you love, luck, health, wealth and happiness in 2010.

Sturgmom said...

I heard Dexter was awesome, but a local radio show spoiled the ending. Is it still worth trying to see?

Katie Anderson said...

One of my new faves is that millionaire realty show on bravo. I can't remember it's title.

All Women Stalker said...

Reall, Vampire Diaries is good? Will have to go check it now. I am a Gleek as well. :D

Christina Lee said...

Sturgmom--yes yes yes!

Nishant said...

It's good! Lost will be next. I've never heard of the others. Well, except Glee. It looked good so we started watching it, but I wasn't as impressed.

Work from home India

Alexis Voltaire said...

I love E!, it's my favorite channel, haha.