Wednesday, December 23, 2009

T'was the Night Before Christmas


Can you believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve? And I STILL have a couple more things to buy...I am moving much more slowy this year, for some reason.

Anyway, I've been to my share of holiday parties and I am loving the colors I am seeing this season.

Of course, the GREENS (my favorite):
holiday 2009 greens
And the REDS:
holiday 2009 reds

But also, lots of gorgeous BLUES:

holiday 2009 blues

holiday 2009 grey/silvers


I have also seen my share of pretty lights and decorations.

And of course, there are the trees. Oh the trees. So pretty.

Here's Rockefeller Center's:

Check out this University of Aalborg Library Christmas Tree:
And this Spinning Fiber Optic tree: Or this tree in Paris made from recycled bottles (photo from Brisbane Times):

A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours. See you in a few days!


ann ominous said...

oooh those blue shoes.....

merry christmas via SITS!

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas! I love all the pictures! I love those silvers and blues! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Maddy said...

Aren't the beautiful colors one of the best things about this season?! Those blues are divine!

Anonymous said...

I love the reds and blues too! so bright and bold!

and that tree with the books is adorable, I rather have that than a real xmas tree!

Happy holidays dear! and hopefully you get all your shopping done today!

Diana said...

Holiday colors are so much fun. And I love all those neat Christmas trees!

lisa and laura said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you get something colorful and sparkly underneath the tree!

K.Line said...

What gorgeous photos - esp. love the tree made of books. Have a lovely holiday...

Alissa Grosso said...

I love all the holiday photos. Especially that tree of books!

for a different kind of girl said...

Ah, the greens! I love the greens!

Hope you and your family have a truly wonderful Christmas!

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

I love the pictures you have chosen.
Have a wonderful Christmas.

Retro Chick said...

I love that shade of blue.

The Christmas tree made out of books is also fantastic! I want one myself now!

Have a great Christmas!

Stephanie Faris said...

I hate the color green but those greens are actually pretty! Silver is my favorite holiday clothing and accessory color.

All Women Stalker said...

Spinning Christmas tree! Made my eyes pop out. I'd love to see that in person. Haha


Anonymous said...

I prefer a book tree. Should try that next year ;)

Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas!


The Budget Babe said...

Merry Christmas! Love the recycled bottle tree, how cool :)