When you put the cereal box in the refrigerator?
Or, you get on the freeway when you're destination is only three blocks away from your house?
Or, you search endlessly for your sunglasses only to find them on top of your head?
Yeah, I'm having one of those...
It's like my brain is taking a vacation.
Make me feel better and share some of your DUH! moments :D
(photo bucket-eyecandymandy)
Oh, I have DEFINITELY had days like that! Once I spent about 15 minutes looking for my keys when they were in my coat pocket. The coat that I was wearing! I was then late, and I hate being late!
Hopefully some fresh air will help clear your head! Good luck!
Stopping by from SITS!
Glad to hear it's not just me. This morning everything took extra long because I kept forgetting to do the things I do every morning. Perhaps not a good day to schedule an interview. Wish my poor subject luck.
PS- I now want one of your sister's homemade cookies.
Every day is one big DUH moment for me. I think it began the day I got pregnant . . .
I have those moments every day. Many people say part of my charm is to be such an intelligent woman and be ditzy at the same time!
I think its the thoughts running a mile a second and the left and right brain colliding!
Umm... You mean that's not a normal day? ;o) I'm a total klutz! I make one of these mistake everyday. I'm pretty use to it by now.
first of all, LOVE that pic! I have it in random places on my PC and in the house lol!
And, I'm not sharing my stories, but I'll share one my hubby did lol. I went to get cereal one day, & there was a package of hot dogs in there just staring me in the face... for chits & giggles I checked the fridge, and there were the buns! =)
I like when I'm CLEARLY driving somewhere and I can't find my keys...it's very special :)
PS - they're in the car, making it run, duh.
Asking if I ever DIDN'T have one of those days would be better more efficient, lol. The glasses on my head, my cell phone- in my HAND! (on my way out the door) , this time of year it's looking for the keys to leave- only to have one of the girls remind me that they are in the car already becasue I started it 15 mintues ago to warm it up!!
We find peanut butter in the fridge with the jelly, the phone in my bureau drawer with the laundry I put away... oh, yeah- it's barely controled chaos around here! ;) Feel better?!
Too funny! I have those days all the time! Hope you have a clearer day tomorrow!
Whenever I'm going to stop at the store on the way home, my husband will ask me to get something. He'll ask about 14 times if I've written it down. I never do. Then I forget what he asked me to get him...
I hate it when I drive past my exit!
One time my boss asked me what I was "on" when I was sick because all day long was one big "DUH" moment, I hadn't taken anything but cough drops.
The other day I e-mailed myself a document right before leaving work, because I knew I'd need to access it from home. Then, my e-mail popped up with a new message, and I thought, "Oh! I have an e-mail! I'd better read that before I go." Yeah, the e-mail I'd just sent MYSELF.
First I have to say thank you to Jules for the wonderful explanation to the word "ditzy". I have been called that on several occassions,ok ok daily but now I will h ave a witty remark to make back. If I can remember it...LOL!!!
I haven't told anyone else this so shhhhh, ppplease!!
One morning I started doing my daily chores earlier than normal. I began early as there wasn't anything else I could do at the moment. I dusted and picked up and went to get the vaccum. Plugged it in and nothing happen. I unplugged it..turned it over to make sure nothing was jammed in the roller. I have a 7 yr old so that should tell you how something could get jammed...dang lil GI Joe pieces. I plugged it back up and STILL nothing. I stood scratching my head and then quietly rolled the cord back up on the vaccum cleaner, put it back in it's place, sat down, looked around and started laughing so hard I cried. You see, the reason I started doing everything was because our power was out due to a thunderstorm.
Ditzy Regi
LOL!!!!! I am having a BALL reading these responses!!
It's so funny you wrote this! When I read the first sentence I literally yelled YES!! Last night, I absolutely put my box of Grape Nuts into the fridge after I'd jotted down a note about them on my daily tracker! This morning, I couldn't find them when I went looking to have breakfast! What's also bad (or not so bad, really) is that three other people in the house have been in and out of the fridge a ton since I did that last night and either didn't notice or were just too sad for me to say anything!
I know what you mean... I hate those days.
...or when you put breast milk in your coffee instead of real milk...
love those days!!
How much time do you have? Well when you get to be my age it seems as though everytime I walk into a room I can't remember what I was going to get!
Lol...I once went to put the milk in the cabinet and a bowl in the fridge! I've also walked out of my house and gotten into my car with the cordless phone in my hand...like it was gonna work in my car! Lol.. I like to call them blonde moments!
Yeah, how about I spent fifty bucks on new ink cartridges last week got them all installed and excitedly went to print some pics and it showed "low ink" on all of the screens: reds were purple, pinks were orange, etc. Umm...apparently somehow there was some sort of shuffle during the exchange of cartridges, and I re-installed the empty cartridges and tossed the new ones. Grrr.
Oh dear! It's like a daily occurrence for me. I just so happen to be the Ditz champion in Benton County. Haha. Okay, not really. But I am constantly doing things where I'm in the middle of it and then realize, "Nope. Nope. That wasn't the right move." Last night I was cutting up cauliflower and I had cut off the extra stem part of one piece. Mindlessly, I threw the cauliflower piece I wanted in the garbage. Literally, milli-seconds after I said, "Did I really?!". It's small, but proves my point. Haha.
I've had one of those years, not just days! Ugh! I worry that I am getting altheimerz at 29!
Since I've lived a DUH life, I'll share the most recent: Spent close to 20 minutes looking for car keys that were already in my hand! (Of course, I had a good excuse -- my car key was in my palm and the house key was exposed. Who wouldn't get confused . . .)
Since my life is one long DUH, I'll share the most recent. Spent almost 20 minutes looking for car keys already in my hand! (Of course, the car key was in my palm and the house key was exposed and, well, who wouldn't get confused?) DUH!
I have so had one of those days too.
I'm horrified to admit that I have almost "yelled" at my toaster because it was taking too long - only to realize that I hadn't plugged it in.
Yeah, I'm THAT girl.
I had that kind of morning. It like you are in a fog. Thanks for stopping by.
I've so had those days. I'll walk into the office and wonder what I'm doing there. Or worse, the bathroom. I mean, srsly. :)
I've left the house and gone all the way back to get my cellphone only to realize I already had it with me. I might have done this more than once.
I tried to put PB in the fridge and eggs in the pantry.
LOL!! How much time have you got? And how much do you want me to rattle on? Putting cold things in the cupboard--thankfully catching myself--wondering where my keys are--on my waistband. Etc. We are just so distracted with life that the little things get us.
I've "lost" my cell phone no less than a dozen times today. Sad.
Carton of milk in the cupboard. Yep.
I know first thing in the morning if i'm going to have one of those days, because i've been known to accidentally put pump soap on my toothbrush, somehow mistaking it for toothpaste.
Hahaha, YES!! I've been having many of those days lately. Fun times, LOL
I made tacos for dinner on Tuesday night and thought they were good but tasted a bit "off". When I went to make chili last night I discovered that I had used the chili powder mix to make the tacos. DUH.
...or when you spill...spoil...SPELL a word three times that you learned in first grade....then you still doubt if you spelled it right for a whole 15 seconds. ye-ah.
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