So enter the new Buxom Big and Healthy Lip Stick ($18 at Sephora):

I tend to gravitate towards pinky chocolate shades:

Now, I use the Brooklyn Lip Stick and then the Brooklyn Lip Gloss on top!
Plus, I love all the names they use for the different Buxom shades: There's Lacey and Betty and Ginger and Celeste. Looking for a good protagonist name? Go there :D
You know who else has great names? Pottery Barn, for their furniture sets.
oh another BE luva!!!!!! =)
Zena & Amber are in my purse at all times!
I'm a chapstick whore as well. That and this new avocado oil for my cuticles/nails I got from Sally's. I've never heard of Buxom Lips. Love me some new make-up!
I love Burt's Bees anything. They make a fab product.
I have Trixie in my purse right now!
Pretty shade!
They must have a great product design dept!
I haven't tried those but I love Bare Escentuals. Great names!
I love to buy lip glosses, but never actually wear them. In the winter, I stick to Blistex or a dab of Vicks Vapor Rub (believe it or not! It works!!!)
Just finished coating my lips with chap sticks! Don't touch it any other time then the winter but I have it in my desk and purse so I am covered wherever! Never tried the lip stick but I would be willing.
ooooh, that looks great. I'll have to try that. I HAVE to have chapstick, everyday, ALL day. A little addicted :)
I will have to try it! I love the Buxom mascara. It's awesome!
Thanks for the info on chap sticks. I usually buy them, then forget them when I need them! Need to start making wrist notes! Thanks for sharing.
I really love the fun names that some companies come up with...like Ikea, for example...I can't even pronounce those - but so fun!!
I've never tried those, but I'm ALWAYS in the market for the perfect shade of lip gloss. I'll have to look into this shade you love~
I SO need a lip plumper that it is embarrassing! Thanks for the awesome tip and such a lovely blog!
thanks for sharing your tips! will have to check into it.. soo frustrating finding the right shade!
Thanks for the tip.Nice shade.
I'm a blistex junkie. It is sooo dry here...ALL. YEAR. ROUND. So I have one at every possible location in my home. Love the color you chose.
I'm always looking for fun lipglosses and such. Thanks for the heads up!
I am a devout BE user and I've always wondered about the Buxom lip stuff. I'm going to try it - got a giftcard for my birthday that's burning a hole in my wallet right now!
Chapstick whore? Is there a support group because I'm so there. I LOVE lipgloss of all kind. Can't wait to check this out!
is it bad that i have never even heard of these things?! i'm so lame when it comes to make up!
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