Here's a couple of the photos:

But here's my issue.
Do we really need a SIZE ISSUE?
Can't magazines just inter-mix different-sized models in the pages of EVERY issue?That way every woman can choose someone to identify with.
It would do LOADS for self-esteem, don't 'cha think?
You're Thoughts?
Hmm...those women don't even look plus sized to me! They're so tall and proportional. How bout a short and slightly overweight issue? Ha!
I agree with you and Lila. Honestly, if you're going to do plus-sized models, get plus-sized models and integrate them into the every day magazines!
AMEN! And these woman are gorgeous!!!
wheres the plus size? Those women look average sized to me!! I agree though they should mix them all in one magazine!
Ditto! I mean, magazines have become okay at including racially diverse people (i.e. usually the models aren't ALL white, but they're always tan). Can't we be diverse with weight too? This isn't something we're going to escape any time soon! I also agree with Lisa&Laura cause there are a lot of heavier, beautiful people out there!
I agree LiLa. This is average and normal!!
I agree with you but magazines that sale alot already will not want to risk it with the under size women not liking it.
I absolutely agree! I thought that a size issue was just a little over the top. I think that the second pic you posted is absolutely beautiful btw. Wish I was a hot plus size lady. Jillian Michaels better make good on her promise! :)
I definitely agree.
I am thinking I may have to write a little about this because I'm a bit annoyed by it. (vogue's take on "plus size", not your post!)
I agree inter mix them....those women are beautiful.
From what little I know about the fashion industry size 4-6 is ideal for models. Therefore they consider sizes 10 or 12 a plus size. I find that insulting to say the least. I am not 'overweight' medically but I am considered a plus size? I think models should be chosen for their ability to do the job, not the size of their waist! Besides, if I see a shirt or dress that I really like, but it's shown on a size 4 model, how am I supposed to know if it would look even reotely good on my size 12-14 frame?
I agree too. I think they make such a big issue out of size.
These models really don't look what I think is plus size. They look healthy and feminine.
I was SO going to say that!! Until they don't even label the models by size it's an issue, when can a model just be a model or a woman just a woman. It could start in stores too- why women and plus size departments. Aren't we all women?!????????
Gorgeous!! If only I could look like that! And I have to agree with Gina. Please let some of these changes start on the store level. Some retailers carry larger sizes, but only online. What's up with that?!
Amen! And I'm going to echo others. Where, exactly, are the plus sized models in those photos? Why do we live in a world where a size 12, which I have to imagine that many women would find a desirable size, myself included, is considered plus size? Those women pictured are all beautiful and they are all healthy looking and they do represent a larger facet of the public then most models who are pictured in magazines today, but to say they are plus sized is a shame.
I agree! Why the segregation of sizes? They should follow in Dove's footsteps and just use regular women. I will often not buy something I see in magazines because the it looks good on the skinny girl, but would it look good on an average size 12 woman? It drives me bonkers.
Thanks for posting this! I'm glad I'm not the only one. By the way, those women look beautiful, who cares what size they are?
Those women don't look "plus size" to me... They look average. It would be soooo nice to have a mix of different sized women to be included in every fashion magazine. Maybe someday, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
I agree. It's almost as offensive as if they were doing a separate issue for African Americans. Integrate already!
No, no need for a special issue. They should be dispersed throughout the every issue to be believable. That's just my humble opinion!
I totally 100% agree! Why can't they do that in every issue? You hit the nail on the head, girl!
Totally agree! It's insulting to have a "size" issue.
I LOVE it on Project Runway when they make the designers design clothes for (gasp) real people. And, seriously--calling women "plus sized" when they're medically a healthy weight??
For me it's more important that we can buy what we love. My biggest interest are the colors. As being synesthete I live a life in colors. Synesthesia means that I see colors when I see words and numbers.
I transform this in paintings of names and birthdays.
You are sooo right! All different sizes of beautiful women! Tall and big, tall and thing, Short and tiny, Short and plump on and on...all of us are beautiful and wouldn't it be a marvelous thing to see it in color!!!
I completely agree -- models larger than a zero should just be part of the mix!
I agree too. I think Bust magazine already does this? Not sure, but I think the December issue featured models of different sizes in all the fashion layouts, which was really cool! I wonder why mainstream mags don't do that.
Then again, they might lose all their diet drug/weight loss product/clothing label sponsors if they did.
Amen, sister!
Good to know this issue makes a lot of us crazy - Will we ever get back to a size 12 being just a normal woman?
They like the smaller sizes because it's cheaper to make clothes. Anyone under 104 pounds can have outfits made out of a yard of material. AND, if you look like a hanger, then, they adore you. But, a magazine showing a 12 as a plus size is an outrage to every normal woman out there. grrrr.
They are still skinny. I see plus size as someone being 16 or higher and then maybe not depending on how they carry it.
I completely agree. What's even crazier is that anything above a 6 is PLUS size!
Hmm, it almost seems like drawing attention to the fact that they're not the 'typical' model size makes it worse, I think. I totally agree that they should be featured in magazines all the time, not just one issue.
I agree. There should be no size issue by now. We should all be over it. Magazines should get on with the program.
Good grief - great point - and then everybody says but they are all so pretty (insert even though they are large) ... beauty is beauty and comes in all sizes - eventually, we will get the message!
I agree, I would like to see all sizes mixed because we are all equal.
Thank you! This is one of my biggest pet peeves: announcing the inclusion, or worse, featuring — but segregating — (questionably) plus-size models. And doing so in a way that implies they should get a medal for what they've done.
I can report from the publishing industry — and sadly, have read the research to back it up — it won't change. Readers, and it's most often a subconscious decision, want to see people prettier/thinner/insert your-mistaken-ideal-here than themselves.
I fought this battle many times during my tenure as the art director for a major metro women's lifestyle and fashion mag — and lost every time.
I totally agree!
Oh goodness. This is one of the reasons I don't even read mags anymore. The ads and the models pretty much make me crazy.
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