One of my favorite HBO shows is beginning it's fourth season this month (Sunday, January 10th at 9 p.m.). I'm getting ready to DVR it!
1. To see the inner workings of modern day polygamy, a lifestyle/religion considered taboo by the majority of society, is so fascinating.
Let's see: one husband, three wives and seven children (and counting).
They live next door to one another in a suburb in Utah, and Bill, the husband, takes turns eating dinner and sleeping in each families home (the wives have worked out a schedule).
They maintain ties to their Fundamentalist Mormon (FLDS) "compound" (different than Mormon LDS' who don't practice polygamy) where some of their relatives still live. You get an insiders view of the different facets of their belief system.
The best part is viewing it from the teenager's divergent points of view. Some despise the lifestyle, while others try to embrace it. 
2. Jeanne Triplehorn, Chloe Sevigny and Ginnifer Goodwin are divine as the wives. Such mulit-faceted actresses. In fact all of the show's actors are pretty darn good!

3. It leaves you feeling so conflicted.

2. Jeanne Triplehorn, Chloe Sevigny and Ginnifer Goodwin are divine as the wives. Such mulit-faceted actresses. In fact all of the show's actors are pretty darn good!

3. It leaves you feeling so conflicted.
On the one hand, it looks so hard to live like this. Especially for the husband, Bill (Bill Paxton). You may think he's got it easy sleeping with three different women, but he always looks so exhausted and stressed out.

On the other hand, you can totally understand some of the things they do, down to keeping the lifestyle a secret from neighbors and the school, especially if they were raised that way and the belief system is ingrained.
That's what so great about this show. It makes you look at so many different facets and feel so many different ways.
If you watch it, tell me what you think.
I've actually never seen the show because we don't get HBO, but I bet it is fascinating.
I would just like to point out that Mormons - members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - are not polygamists. ;)
Nisa--yeah, thanks-- I made sure to go back and specify that they are "fundmentalists".
I never seen this show before. It seems like a fascinating look into a lifestyle I don't know much about.
I heart Big Love. I've watched it since the first season. Great show!
Saw an episode of this show & real enjoyed it. It will probably be one of those shows I catch up on Netflix in one swoop like I did for the Sopranos. Glad to hear it's worth watching. Haven't heard too much about it recently.
This is actually one of those shows that make me wish I have a TV.
Yes I have seen it and do enjoy it. Actually one of the women who escaped from a polygamist compound helps with the costumes and is an advisor on the show.
I've loved it since the start mainly because of how it reflects real life social banishment attitudes, like homosexuality and racism. Many people are afraid or unjusifiably hate those that are different just because they don't understand. In this show plural marriage is the misunderstood lifestyle but the response they get is as if they are all gay or a different race. Amazing writing and acting too!
I've heard of the show, and I knew the premise, but I always thought it was a reality series- didn't realize they were actors! (Also had no idea Bill Paxton was in it- but he'll always be Chet to me.)
Oh, I LOVE this show. LOVE. Can't wait for the next season to finally start. I feel like I've been waiting FOREVER.
We're hitting a book signing in Hudson next week for Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. The book is supposed to be AMAZING and the author is repped by our agent. It's on Tuesday night. Any interest?
I also love the show because of the things that are discussed there. The issues are pretty serious but it is the reality.
love love the show cant waite to see the new episodes.Watch it the first time it premire no all the characters.
Oh I've watched the show. And let me tell you, he can't handle those women! LOL! When they take a stand against him, he hasn't a chance. I've even had my sons watch it with me, just to let them see how hard it is to manage several households. And to see how much money it takes to handle more than one house hold. Just check out that guys net worth.
We started watching it after we got out of Mormonism. I like it. Can't stand Bill. But love the show. Margie is my favorite wife I think.
I LOVE this show. The compund gets a little wacky- but people STILL live like this in real life!!?!! If I didn't have to share my husband in bed or have him father children with the other woman, I can see the benefits- built in child and house care and company. ;)
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