My hubby always "weighs in" (of course, only after I've whined about it again and again). He thinks it's because as a teacher I was always up and moving around (and putting kids in basket holds-but that's a whole 'nother story), and as a writer I am always in a sitting position.
It used to be (sigh) I gained five pounds, starved for two days, and the pounds came off. But nothing like that works anymore-- not even cutting out sweets and not eating after 7 pm.
Despite walking my dog for two miles every single day, the weight doesn't come off. Probably b/c my body has become accustomed to it. And now I've gone up a pants size (*crying*). I had an easier time losing the baby weight--GEEZ.
SO: I finally decided I needed to kick it into gear and do something NEW for my body. A new exercise routine.
I used to take exercise classes before *kid* but I probably could only make time for one day a week now.
(can you believe this picture from
And since my friends have threatened (:D) to invite us to an indoor waterpark in two weeks and we're going to Florida in March, I've decided I've complained enough already.
About ten years ago I used to do the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds tapes and loved them.
In the exercise section at Target the other day, I saw her newer DVD's and decided to take the plunge again. Oh and I also bought a set of free weights too!
This is the one I chose, and have vowed to do it three times a week: You know why I like Leslie so much?
First, because the moves are so basic (marching in place, leg kicks, side to side, knee lifts) anyone can keep up.
Second, because she makes you feel comfortable and tells you it's okay to just march in place if you feel tired during a new move. As long as you keep moving.
Thank you for giving me that permission, Leslie!
Wish me luck as I walk away my belly fat--LOL!!!!
I like her videos too. Maybe I should start them up again.
I know what you mean though. For the last month, I've been up an hour earlier than usual to get in 4 miles six days a week. No weight loss yet, but I'm trying to take comfort in the fact that I am getting stronger... Have fun!!
I'll join in! I am doing the same too! trying to lose weight that is :) . I am doing Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and she is NOT gentle and does not allow you to rest or slow down! Yikes
good luck to you!
you can do it!
Best of luck girl!
Good luck, Christina! I'm starting a similar routine, including Weight Watchers. Unfortunately, I have more than just a few lbs to lose. But I'm glad to know a fellow blogger in a similar process, so we can support each other. I definitely need all the encouagement I can get!
You can do it. My weight has stayed the same for years. I don't eat very many carbs cause I have blood sugar problems. I don't even miss sugar, but it took a while to get there.
I have a horrible time losing weight as well, but I gained immediately when I STARTED teaching bc of the snack machines, cokes, and our surprisingly good cafeteria food. I have yet to get it off. However, I lost about my baby weight plus 10 lbs. after my heart surgery by cutting out high sodium stuff - where salt goes, water goes. So try that too, keep your daily sodium under 2400 mg. and if you really want to kick it up, reduce it to 1500. I had never looked at a label in my life until after surgery, and I was shocked!
Yay for you! I think that I am going to look into that as well. Jillian Michaels is tryin to kill me! Stay focused and you can do it!!!
good luck dear and i know you can do it!
I feel your pain because when I taught school I gained weigh. Darn all those luncheons. I joined Curves and started walking and have lost weight and have an easier time keeping it off. Also helps that I don't eat fast food or processed food anymore, don't use a microwave and threw out all the plastic containers.
Hoorah for new work out routines! I'm great about working out, but terrible about eating. I just like to eat a lot. Not to mention that trying to get a book published pretty much guarantees a 10 pound weight gain from stress eating alone. Why can't I just be naturally skinny? Life would be so much easier!
Her videos are good. I like using them though we don't have much room in our house for movement.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Bethany, I thought you would have said sugar, not sodium--interesting!
Damn you and your encouraging words! I'll start tomorrow...
Girl! I feel ya. I lost 15 lbs last year and its all back. I blame it on Christmas and the cookies I could just not stay away from. Regardless- I am leaving for FLA in a week and that is not enough time to get back into bathingsuit shape. I AM going to join a gym though....I have to get off my rump. It's just that we lead very sedentary lifestyles. Do not fret though- you're BEAUTIFUL!
Oh Amy Lou, so are YOU-inside and out!! and I ddin't realize you were going to FL next week! Wow!Rod and Reel, here you come, huh?
Woo hoo. You go lady! I'm getting back into the swing of things this week too. The holidays killed me!
Good luck!! I need to lose so much weight, but it seems like such a loooooong process to get to the goal that I find myself giving up before I even start. Can't wait to hear how this routine works for you!
Sounds like a great plan and I hope you succeed. If you end up losing all of your, let me know I've got plenty to spare and I can send you some of mine to lose too!! ;)
I so feel your writerly weight gain. This looks like a fabulous workout - I just know it's gonna do it for you. Good luck!
Being in dance classes in High School kept off all those potential pounds and now that I don't have that in my life I've definitely made up for the lack I didn't have. Have you tried getting rid of all bread products in addition to all sugars (except natural sugars, like fruit)? I've noticed that bread is one of my biggest downfalls and struggles.
I've been using the Wii for exercise and have seen some weight loss but lots more muscle tone. But, will give the walking tapes (CDs) a try because I do enjoy walking -- and, it sounds easy. Thanks for sharing.
Good Luck on your WL journey. My MIL loves those tapes. I just bought a Bob (from the biggest loser) Yoga tape. I haven't started it yet, next week for sure. I have been walking outside since it's been nice.
I saw that picture and that to myself "who would let him do that!"
I will have to look for that DVD.
Best of luck.
I am in the same boat, for me I have not being as active for health reasons. I have more than a few pounds to lose and following Weight Watchers points program on my own and with the support of their website for support helps me stay focused. I have done the Leslie Sansone tapes and they are a good workout..Leslie grates on my nerves sometimes as she is very chipper! I'm considering investing in the Wii Fit and Eactive as I've heard great reviews of these for fitness. Good luck and keep us posted!
My metabolism came to a screeching halt the day I turned 31. The only thing that works for me is Bikram yoga classes. Good luck with your tapes and march on, sister!
I have never heard of her. I will have to check that out. I need something! It's sooo hard as we age to get the poundage off.
o.0 MY EYES! The fail pic...more like an epic one. Yikes!
I had a friend in college who did those every morning before class and lost 30 lbs. No joke.
Yeah, I remember those days when I could skip a couple meals and lose 5 pounds. Those days are long gone!
Thanks for stopping by on my SITS day!
You can do it and goodluck ok? The pictures from failblog are mindboggling.
Good luck I so need to do something 3 days a week that video sounds right up my alley! keep walking in place yup I can do that :)
I LOVE Leslie Sansone! I got very lucky and was able to buy three of her new videos for 20 cents each at a sale at my local library this week.
Hey, if this doesn't get the weight off, you might want to have your doctor check your thyroid levels. I think that's the culprit a lot more often than most women realize.
P.S. Still snickering about that exercise pic. Ewwwww!
I always liked her videos. I haven't seen one in years. I've been going to Zumba. But it makes me so hungry!
Good luck to you. I hate it when stubborn pounds creep in. Crystal Light has become my friend. :-)
Thanks for visiting my blog on my SITS day!
Good luck!
I used to do her workouts all the time too! The 2 mile WATP used to crack me up - one of the girls was always giving Leslie cut-eye!
You've inspired me to dig them out again!
Good luck!
You can do it! I'm trying to get my butt in gear and I haven't lost any weight, but I have noticed my fitness level getting better.
Good luck, sounds fun! I can't believe that picture, yuck! lol
Have you ever tried cleansing? It gets harder and harder to drop weight the older we get because of how toxic our bodies get over time. Breathing the air, eating the food, and drinking the not so pure water. I'm a huge fan of cleansing because I felt the same way as you at one point. I tried everything and nothing seemed to work. I even trained and ran a marathon. Nothing! Then once I learned about cleansing, I was finally able to lose the 25 lbs and go from a size 10 to a 5. Go see my before and after pics under the weight loss tab on my blog. I also made a video of my last cleanse, explaining what I do and such. The one I do isn't that hard either, it's not like you go weeks without eating like SOME cleanses. And it's not the kind where you'll be stuck to the toilette all day, lol. You'd seriously love it, and I KNOW it would get those pesky pounds off :) After people saw my results, EVERYONE wanted to try it, and it worked miracles. It's amazing how much better you'll feel too, it's not just about the weight loss. My energy increases, my mental clarity returns, it's awesome. I do it about every 3 to 6 months to maintain. LOVE it!
I have her original tapes...still and the kids play with the weighted balls. It is definitely tie to amp our my exercising. Hubby just thinks about losing weight and want to "take him out" in his sleep.
Holly @ 504 Main
The yoga picture is vaguely disturbing. I would abhor any exercise routine that requires that I put my face near my ass.
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