I used to just tolerate it.
It might have something to do with a certain five-year-old I live with, who gets mighty excited about walking and playing in the snow.
What's not to love about the view after a good snowfall:

And finally, coming in from the cold to enjoy hot chocolate with marshmallows!

I've been brainwashed by a five-year-old? Maybe!
*****P.S. the winner of The Secret Year book is passion4fashion! Email me with your address!
***P.P.S. Yeah, New Orlean Saints!
I just love all your photos. Gives one a better insight of winter. More snow in our forcast..I don't care for more but,if I look at it through the lens of my camera the outlook will be better. Stopping by from SITS.
You must've been brain washed! It's so hard to like the winter months.. especially when they go past the holiday times. Any advice on getting over the winter-day blues without a lovely five year old to remind you the good ol childhood fun?
Beautiful photos. Sign me up for the hot chocolate and the five-year-old's enthusism for the snow.
We were supposed to get a crazy amount of snow this weekend, but it missed us :) Woo hoo!! Call me old lady, but I'm afraid I'd rather be curled up with a good book on days like these!
Beautiful photos. I used to dread winter with the slippery roads and gray skies, but after moving back north, I love it. The only problem is we've had about six inches total this year. Insane considering I live in northeast Pennsylvania. My poor child has yet to experience all the fun stuff you show. There's a month or two left and there's always next year...
Oh, wow! Thank you for sharing the beauty of winter. Now, I need a cuppa cocoa . . .
I love winter when my hubby and I drive to our place in Utah with the snow and hot chocolate, but in Vegas I have to tell you, "Winter, I'm breaking up with you. I need to get to work without shivering. I'm tired of you screwing up my hair. It is freezing in my office building. Let's just part ways, shall we?"
Talk to me again late July, though.
Love the photos. Eh, is there brandy in that hot chocolate? Can't wait till 5pm.
That top photo is brilliant. You could write a book based on all these photos.
I have been brain washed by my kids too!! We played baseball in the snow yesterday and found an "ice rink" in our backyard!
You make snow MOST appealing!! I'll have to forward this to Meg who's snowed in in Annapolis!
See, we have cold and rain. No snow!
Sledding is my favorite part! other than that I like to stay in!
You've nailed the reasons I love winter! And curling up with a good book in front of a roaring fire. Love it!
Icicles and hot chocolate are so right for each other...
you've been awarded :)
A five year old will do that to you! The pictures are beautiful.
Did you make that snowangel? It is beautiful.
Great pics! But so glad we don't have that here in TN.
Thanks for stopping by my blog...
I like snow as long as it is 12 inches or less. The 39 inches we got coupled with the 12 inches to start tomorrow... yeah, not so much.
We got out of our driveway at 3pm today... thanks to the neighbors snow blower or else we would still be stuck at the end of the world!
Okay, I'll give you the photos. But that's just how I like experiencing winter. Through photographs. Sorry, five-year-olds notwithstanding, I'm holding out for spring. ;-)
Since I am suffering from the winter blues this month I really appreciate this post. I needed the reminder.
Hot chocolate with marshmallows...here I come.
Stopping by from SITS.
We've embraced the sledding this winter, too. Sooner or later, winter becomes a matter of beat 'em or join 'em!
I would say yes, but not at the 6 degrees! Your pictures do make it look dreamy though!
Beautiful images. I will love to sit inside looking out with a cup of lovely hot coco. : )
I like snow fine....from a distance. It's possible the 5 year old has assimilated you. ;)
LOVE those photos!!! And nothing can make me enjoy snow. Not even 5-year-olds.
Those pictures are beautiful! I know what you mean... my kids love the snow! We barely ever get snow here in Nashville, at least not the kind that hasn't melted away within an hour of hitting the ground. Tonight we had our second good snow of the winter! Woohoo!
Okay, fine, I like when it snows--well, I like when it snows and I'm watching it from inside. Then, after it's done, I want it GONE!
But, I have to say, if it has to be cold, it might as well snow. It's freeeezing out there!
My five-year-old is done with all of the snow. Two feet is too deep for little people!
I hate winter...but the pictures you posted reminded me that with the right attitude it can be beautiful and fun....lets hope I can remember that once this storm hits!
Haha I guess you have a Calvin in your household :)
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