Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Robert + Jacket + Dead = Search me

I get a kick looking at my Google keyword search stats (telling me how people get to my site).

There are TWO that stand out because I've seen them frequently for the last year.

One is "PICTURES OF REAL DEAD PEOPLE". I will assume this is because of my former blog name,"Real Style Real People", but it has me wondering about sickos out there. Maybe they are Necrophiliacs?

The second one is always, "ROBERT PATTINSON GREY JACKET". I know that he wore a grey jacket in the original Twilight movie and I even had a reader question about it last year. He also has been photographed in other grey jackets. So those photos must be popular.

So I've decided to COMBINE my two popular searches to help both the necro's and the Twi's out.

I give you: ONE DEAD PERSON (AKA vampire Edward Cullen) in several GREY JACKETS!

Look at the different grey hues. Impressive! :D

Plus, it was just fun looking at R Patz photos *sigh*.


Maddy said...

Those google keyword searches are hilarious! I get some funny ones too. BTW, I know you were just looking for a way to post a picture of R-Patz ;o) He's looking pretty fine, if you ask me!

Jeannie, Jane, Angel, Mommy, etc.. said...

Robert Pattinson...yummy! I have read a few other blogs that have had weird searches come up before, but the "Pictures of real dead people" would be a little disturbing. Just when I think people can't amaze me anymore.

Jayde said...

That is too funny! I was just looking at my Google analytics last night and the one I found funny (and not nearly as funny as yours) was How To File Your Taxes Using Your Last Paystub. I posted about how I used Turbo Tax e-file and filed my taxes myself this year (first time) so I guess that's where the link came from. Pictures of real dead people? That's just creepy. lol

for a different kind of girl said...

Ha! Bless your giving spirit!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I needed a laugh this morning. Too funny. Love it.

Pam said...

To funny....Love it..
Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment on my paintings. I added another today. I am on a roll here!

Ty Robbins said...

Haha. It is funny to see what people are actually searching for when the come upon the blog.

Marsha Loftis said...

LOL! very funny. The searches that bring people to me usually has something to do with porn. Apparently, there is a woman out there named Marsha that is very good at her craft. :)

Cherie said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :-) I was quite excited to see a comment from you! <3 Thanks again.

And the "real dead people" search is quite freaky... But it does make me curious in an odd way O_o'

Nice photos of Edward!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I STILL haven't gotten into the whole Twilight thing but I do have a major love affair with grey!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from SITS! He wears a lot of gray.

The Blonde Duck said...

That'll give them something to search for!

Small Burst said...

Thanks for the R Patz post. The middle photo-Nice! You know, I'm on Team Jacob but these photos can totally sway a girl. LOL. Visiting from SITS.

gina said...

Now your site might crash from all of the hits. ;)

I love looking at mine too, I 've posted about some of the odder ones- it's always interesting to see what other people find out- I love posts like this!

Janet said...

My favorite one I've gotten is "I didn't actually sleep with him."

Anyway, thanks for the Tuesday morning eye candy!

Unknown said...

lol! That is just plain awesome. This is definitely going to spike your hits! *grin*

Lourie said...

He's definitely good looking. Funny the things google will give you in a search.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

LOL some of the ones I get are so funny with the running away ... LOL.

Love the grey jackets :) that is too funny!

All Women Stalker said...

Hahaha you're hilarious! I never would have thought to combine search queries of my blog to make a post. Genius. I might copy this :p Hope you don't mind. Haha

Crystal Escobar said...

Oh that is cool, I didn't know you could do that. Hmmmm, don't know how exactly to find my keyword search stats. But it would be cool to see.

Unknown said...

Cool R Patz pics! Real dead people?! That's just funny.

Judy@grammyreads.com said...

I think we must be on the same schedule. We are poster SITStas! Enjoyed the eye candy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The pictures are great. I am new to Edward Cullen. Just saw Twilight last month, or maybe that was December since they are flying by so quickly...

Christina said...

Great post! Definitely gave me a chuckle this morning, thanks! :) Stopping by from SITS.

Christina said...

Oh, I thought I'd say my first and middle name are Christina Lee. I just realized what your name is on your profile. Small world. :)