I think it's fitting that Tim Burton directed the Alice In Wonderland movie coming to theatres March 5th. He'll offer that great blend of beauty and eccentricity.
And of course, he had to have his "posse" star in it--Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. LURVE you, Johnny!

Due to my own nostalgia about the book, I went out and bought a pop up picture book version for my son.
You see, there was a period in my youth when I lived and breathed Alice in Wonderland. Me and my BFF at the time were very much into Alice, as well as the The Doors and Jim Morrison--notice a theme here?
Anyway, the book is very cool. Here's one of the pages:
Anyway, the book is very cool. Here's one of the pages:
It's very interactive and my son loves looking at all of the pictures and finding the hidden keys on each page.
But when it came down to reading him the story, I hesitated. Because re-reading it as an adult? It is a little WHACK, no question.
It is definitely dark and dreary, in my opinion. And is probably best for older kids.
There have been rumors over the years that author Lewis Carroll was tripped out on acid when he wrote the story.
Here is an article I found on-line about this very topic:
"The idea that Lewis Carroll's imaginative characters and stories are a product of drug stupor was first spread in the 1960's by adherents of the then new LSD subculture. The rumor is believed to have originated from the psychiatrists who introduced LSD into our society. But LSD was non-existent in England in the 1800's.
The Lewis Carroll rumors claimed that Carroll used drugs when he wrote his stories, suggesting that a drug, not Carroll's fertile imagination was responsible for these creative literary works."
I'm a writer. I write stories for children (okay, teens). And it does take lots of imagination and creativity (and perseverance). I'm definitely much more creative and entertaining with that big 'ol glass of red wine sitting next to me while I type. JUST SAYIN'...
I can't wait to see the movie.
Your thoughts?
That book does look super cool! Wow!
Very interesting. I am excited to see the movie as well, but it's more that I have a fascination with Disney than with Alice in Wonderland. Though there was a really trippy miniseries that came out not too long ago. I liked that version a lot.
Stopping by from SITS! Happy day!
I bought an Alice in Wonderland pop up for my niece. It's a different one though. I am excited to see the movie. We watch Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory over and over again!
I was never a big fan of Alice...(oops) so I don't really plan on seeing the movie. But Shrek 4 (or whatever it's called?) That one I could go for, haha.
Now can my clown be any creepier then the make up on Depp??? LOL....I have not seen this movie as of yet but maybe that will be a grandson and Nana trip.
Uuuuber excited!
Well, you already know how I cannot wait to see this movie!!
This book is absolutely beautiful. A work of art! I don't care who says what about the story, it's amazing and out there and well, trippy!
when I read Alice in Wonderland (when I was about 8 or so) I didn't like it because it seemed a little weird and scary and dark to me.
I think the whole "jabberwocky" thing bothered me.
That being said- while Lewis Carroll may not have been on LSD since it didn't exist back then- perhaps he was fond of absinthe? Back then, the old absinthe would cause hallucinations similar to those of LSD.... just throwing that out there!
or maybe he was just REALLLLY creative.
I'm sure there were other hypnotics around back then lol. The book does look really cool though! I can't wait to see the movie!
Alice In Wonderland always freaked me out just a little. It's just so out there! I guess maybe my imagination was stunted. The movie definitely looks trippy....I'm guessing many people will engage in some illegal festivities BEFORE hitting the theaters.
hah Andie--YEP!!!
I can't wait to see this movie because I love Johnny Depp. Your book is totally cool.
Ditto on the Johnny Depp obsessions - the weirder the character, the better.
Love Jonny! The movie should be awesome. I have to look for that pop up book. My (28 yr old) daughter would love it!
I can't wait to see the movie -- if not for the makeup effects alone.
I absolutely cannot wait until this movie comes out. I am SO excited. I still love the old live action movie from when I was a kid. I think that it is better than the cartoon (Sorry Disney!).
You say wine I say vodka... let's be creative together :)
I am totally thrilled with the previews, can't wait to see.
You can't go wrong with that combination -- Burton, Depp, Bonham-Carter. They're all from another, wonderful, planet! Gee, I never thought of drinking wine while writing -- I drink it mostly to face the laundry with confidence! Must try. Your. Way.
I agree with you! its a perfect mix and I cant wait to see it in theaters!
My first Alice experience was the animated Disney version. A live action one from a million years ago. When I was a kid I thought it was just fun and imaginative much like a child's mind. As an adult...welllll....more like crazy wild trippin out stuff. And well with Tim Burton there is no other way to go.
Oh wow I need to get that book, the artwork looks amazing. I think I would show the boys but not read it to them also.
I can't wait to see this movie it will be on DVD since I never leave the house ... LOL but I can't wait!
Love your write up :)
I think Burton is perfect for the movie ... and I plan on reading the book really soon. I never actually read it!! The stills from the movie look so weird and cool!
Wine, huh? :D
That book looks amazing! I wish I can draw like that.
Can't wait to see this! I'm not the biggest fan of all of Tim Burton's work, but I think his crazy, over-the-top style will suit Alice in Wonderland perfectly! Add the 3D effect! It should be a real trip :)
I’m sooo going to see this movie!!! Already informed my hubby we are going to see it in 3D!!
My thoughts! I must go get that book! My 11 year old is going to be in a stage production of the original Alice this summer. So excited for her.
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