But if you handed me a green beer, I wouldn't object.

Instead, I celebrate everything GREEN--MY FAVORITE COLOR!

(photos: handbagheaven.com, brewpublic.com, treehugger.com, kidseatsmart.com, vi.sualize.us, images.google.com, wallpapersphere.com)
Cool green pictures.
Visiting from SITS...have a great day!
welcome back. Here's to St. Patty's day, green beer and corned beef and cabbage -which is what's for dinner tonight.
I wouldn't object to a pint of green beer either!
Hi, love the green...we should all see green today. My eyes are green. I wear green all the time. Have a green kind of day....
Woo hoo to green beer! its ok we can be Irish for the day!
Well, I'm celebrating green by planting in my green garden, where my little green sugar snap peas are rising (as we speak -- write?)and shall soon be joined by the little lettuce babes. Have a great day!
That green beer looks like it might be radioactive... But nevertheless puts me in the mood to drink some tonight!
I have to say that I like green pictures and green things. But I don't like wearing the color green.
This is the best St. Patty's day post I have read. LOVE the bag!!! Found you from SITS.
The sushi place by me (in Willoughby) does green sushi! I've never tried it...I'm all for Saint Patty's Day, but green sushi?????
Sounds icky—LOL! Unless it’s the wasabi that makes it green, then YUM!
I have those green Converse! I haven't worn them in years, but they're still in my closet!
Happy, Happy St. Patrick's Day, my love!! :)
I would pass on green or any other beer. But I made a white cake and colored it green! Topping with green frosting. I am considering making rice in green water. Not sure how the kids will feel about green rice. LOL. I think it will be fun!
I'm not Irish either.
Love all the green pics! I had this idea that today while I was driving around I was going to take pictures of green things I saw and post them in honor of St. Patrick's Day, but was too lazy to stop and take pictures. You have a much better idea borrowing yours!
I agree, I am not Irish but go ahead and give me all the green gifts you want.
Love the green Chucks. Happy St. Patty's Day!
Green chucks = WANT.
I can't wait to show the last photo to my boyfriend and scare him. Hahaha!
Loving. That. Purse.
It's begging for this adorable pink scarf I have. Mmmm... purses.
Wow, the forest was just beautiful!! Loved it!
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