1. I was secretly glad my friend wanted to see the R Patz movie Remember Me for her birthday. He's not the greatest actor, but there is something endearing about Robert. I think it might his awkwardness. Plus, it was great to see him in a different role.

BUT, I am still angry and shocked by how the movie ended. WTF? It didn't even match the rest of the movie.
*Spoiler Alert*. Have him get hit by a car instead of what you did. Just stupid. You ruined a perfectly good romantic movie for me.
2. I've just discovered Big Lots. Have you been there before? My sister said she hates the store (and that it's filled with junk) but I like the randomness of it.
Everything is a closeout price, so we bought a refurbished all in one printer/copier/scanner for $59, AND (drum roll, please) my WHIPPED PEANUT BUTTER. The whole reason we went there to begin with (thanks to my blog reader niece).
Except there were only two jars left on the shelf and the cashier said it was a random item they got in. Oh well. I will savor our moments together. :-)
Plus we bought this as well:

I DID write a zombie novel (now collecting dust) and this is a great tribute to it.
Just Kidding-- that was a complete fib. No zombie purchased for our yard. He IS cool though.
3. I still buy baby wipes despite my child being beyond baby years.

Do you realize how useful they are? Not only a quick fix for messy mouths and hands, but for wiping up the kitchen tables and counters, paint spills along the baseboards, and stains on clothes. The uses are endless, I tell you. One of the best inventions EVER.
What truths are you willing to share today?
Yeah! Score on the pb!
I'm with you on the baby wipes. I have a white laptop and they are very useful for cleaning this thing :)
Yay on the PB!! I'm glad you were able to find some! And I agree with you 100% on R-Patz. There is something about him that's kinda hot (dirty hair and clothes aside).
A lot of people are complaining about the RPatz movie...after all what is the ending? I swear I won´t see the movie lol.
I´d want a garden zombie...these babies would sell, I tell ya.
And I too know the miracle of baby wipes, and I buy them even though Im not a mom! I discovered these babies when a pigeon decided to use my brand new shirt as a toilet, and I had to go to work. No time to change shirt:Baby Wipes. I tell you, it was miraculous.
Rock Baby Wipes on.
Glad you found your peanut butter even if its short lived! LOL
Truth be told, that zombie creeps me out and I love baby wipes too. I keep them in the car and if I'm stuck in traffic, I'll clean the interior of my car with it-dashboard, seats-whatever is in reach. I also keep a swiffer duster in the car. I'll dust in traffic too! Man, do I sound a little OCDish?
sooo glad you didn't get the zombie yard decoration. he's scary! still mad about the movie;s ending... grrr.
Lots of truths today for me...A little inspiration from you on a Tuesday! And yes! on the baby wipes
I keep baby wipes in the car even though my daughters are 15. It is usually me with the spill.
I want to see "Remember Me" because I love Emilie de Raven from "Lost." She's awesome (although I don't like her on Grey's as much).
I love the zombie...so funny! It would be such a good joke to buy a few and bury them in random people's yards. Can you imagine their reactions when they find them?
I ♥ Big lots!! Its my fave store! haha!!
That zombie is too cool I would have soo bought it LOL!!
Dude, you're never too old for baby wipes. Adults need them sometimes! And I love that zombie thingy.
I WANT that whipped peanut butter and your zombie dude! Cool stuff. :-)
Glad you got your peanut butter. I was thinking this morning that I would really like to see a movie. It has been a long time. As I have no idea what that movie is, you didn't even spoil it for me.
Here's my truth...I eat peanut butter even though I'm allergic to it; then I break out in hives and have to take Benadryl which completely knocks me out for hours upon hours. But...I continue to do it. I'm sorry, I'm slightly addicted! :)
Don't you just love Whipped peanut butter? Eating some as we "speak" - great with honey wheat pretzels. Ask me how I know :)
Great zombie! And, you found whipped PB at Big Lots! Who'd da thunk it! I love the randomness of the store but that's starting to change in the Raleigh area. Thanks for sharing.
I love Big Lots! You can score big time in there. And yes it is random. I haven't been in a long time. Maybe I will go and see if I can score some of that PB.
I'm going to look around for that whipped peanut butter. I broke up with peanut butter in January when I decided it was now or never on the healthy eating thing again, and while I don't miss it as much as I thought I would (and goodness knows, I LOVE me some peanut butter), I do still have the random craving. I've been trying to combat it with almond butter, which works to a degree, but oh, it's just not the same! I'm going to add it to my shopping list and take some investigating while I'm at Super Target tomorrow.
p.s. - My truth? I TOTALLY would have bought that zombie yard figure!
I love Big Lots and baby wipes!
i love big lots! we use to have one near my house. it closed down :( but yes the randomness is what i loved about it.
and omgeee baby wipes are the best. i have a box in every bathroom. i use them to wipe off makeup. and i have a box to wipe off my dog's paws too! they are great for almost anything!
I buy most of my storage containers @ Big Lots. Also, if you need paint they have it too. If you buy white or cream you can take it to a paint store and have it tinted to a color you like, and the gallon is only $5! Learned that while painting my classroom.
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