So, what did I do this past weekend?
Took my son to an indoor POOL PARTY!
Perfectly fine, IF I didn't have to get in a suit!
WTF, don't you people know that I am trying to lose my last 8 lbs. by summer?
No bread, remember?
Don't spring a pool party on me in April!
So, I'll be brave and show you some PICTURES of me from the party:

(swampmeetdave.com, learningtobefrugal.files.wordpress)
I laughed so hard I woke my kids up. Those pictures are so me. One of my kids was invited to a birthday pool party for last Friday. The only reason he got to go was because I didn't have to attend. :D
You freaking crack me up!!!! Congrats on getting to your last 8 pounds! I have to step upon the scale at the doctor's office today, it's going to be a huge reality check for me. Time to shed my baby weight and the after baby weight, you know, since I can't say no to Baskin Robbins!
LMAO!!! You're too funny! This pics made my day :) And you're right, how dare they do a pool party in April?! Don't they know you have atleast until Memorial Day weekend to squeeze into a suit ;o)
Oh, you are speaking my fear! Ha! There's two swimsuits in my drawer right now that I swear I hear taunting me every time I think about getting them out and heading up to the Y. LOUDLY!
oh my gosh, that's hysterical! Too funny! You're looking very good there. ;)
Bwhaha Those are adorable!
Now seriously. Who has an indoor pool party in the spring that requires the Mama to wear a suit! Unfair!
You might want to get a little waxing done before summer too... :)
I feel you. I need a new suit, but I don't think there's a suit that can perform a "miracle" big enough for what I need.
i know how much cats love water...how funny. They need to go to the Pretty Kitty.
You won my book giveaway for commenting for guest posters while I was away. Now. If you don't like to read, let me know and I'll send you a cute apron instead. :) P.S. send me your address with your preference and the post will publish with a link to your site and tags n stones tomorrow. :)
Thanks for making me laugh this morning, I would feel like that too! Good luck on those last 8 lbs those are the hardest! Found you on sits.
Aww, you were having a bad fur day.
A pool party in April? Even indoors, it'd be cold!
So those are the most phenomenal pictures ever! I'm sorry your pool party experience was less than stellar, my love!! :)
I want you to know that every time I go to the store, I look for your peanut butter!!
Andrea, do you really look for my PB-- you are SOO awesome!
McVal-- waxing--LOL!
LOL. you look bikini ready to me. Just shave a little.
ROFL!! Christina! You're too cute!!! LOL... I just love those pics of you! ;)
Thanks for brightening my day! <3
Hehe this was hilarious Christina!! You cheered me up! How dare they spring something like this on you... that's not fair for any girl!
HAHAHAHAHA! That is classic! I have a lot more than 8 to go, but yeah they shouldn't have pulled a surprise attack like that.
Oh, the poor kitties...you KNOW they don't like WATER! I'm the complete opposite...call me Ducky!
Very funny!
I think I would have just shown up in a wet suit.
you are adorable!!
love the pics!! hehehehe
You're hysterical! I totally wrote about my heart attack over having to get in a swimsuit soon today!
The two most dreaded words...pool party.
Thanks for stopping by on my SITS Day.
504 Main
Toooooo funny! LMAO! That's it, nothing more to say... heeheehee
Haha you're hilarious! Congrats on the last 8 lbs. When you finally reach your ideal weight, you have to show photos of yourself in a bikini ;-)
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