I do write teen novels, after all ;-)
It is a sad but true fact that when I read a novel, I invariable develop a crush on a certain character while reading it. *SIGH* This applies to good television shows as well.
Hey, there are some great YA books (and shows) out there!
By now, I am SO over Edward Cullen and Stephan Salvatore. Vamps are SO last year ;-)
Here are some new crushes I've developed in the last year:
1. Baker boy, Peeta from THE HUNGER GAMES series (book #3 hurry and come) by Suzanne Collins:

2. Colt from THE SECRET YEAR by Jennifer R. Hubbard.

By the way, I just finished reading this book this weekend.
I cried my eyes out and am still thinking about the ending.
I didn't like the MC at the beginning of the book, but grew to love her at the end. Here's the blurb, from Amazon:
What if you had only one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?
Samantha Kingston has it all: the world's most crush-worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High—from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot.
Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life.
Instead, it turns out to be her last.
Then she gets a second chance. Seven chances, in fact.
Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing.
5. And lest you think I only go for sweet, nerdy boys, I also have a THANG for bad boy Puck,
(Mark Salling) from GLEE!
In my defense, he's like almost 30 in real life, but plays a seventeen-year-old on the show!
Your turn.
Who is your crush? If not from a book, then how about a series?
Spenser from Robert B. Parker's series. And Gibbs from NCIS. Shhh, don't tell anyone my guilty pleasures.
I'm so glad you cleared up the fact that the GLEE guy is really 30otherwise I'd've been so all over your case!
Oh, howdy from SITS!
Before I fall was a great book!!! I think it's only natural to have a crush on a boy in a YA novel, it's not normal if you don't! At least I think...lol
"Bod" from the Graveyard Book (By Neil Gaiman).... Bod is short for "NoBODy".... YA novels today would have made me never come out of my room if I were a kid today. I wish my kids would see it that way.... (I also fall in love with every male lead in Nicolas Sparks' novels, shhhh!)
Lol! I agree! Puck is pretty hot!
BTW - I'll have to check out Before You Fall. Sounds interesting!
Puck is delicious LOL!
Happy SITS Tuesday :)
Oh, you know me and those Twilight boys... I am so with you on Puck, though!
I just started reading Wake over the weekend, and am hoping to get through it quickly because I have the other two on deck, and Before I Fall is on my 'to read' list. I wish I'd remembered that list before I checked out Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter from work yesterday! I'm not sure I'm going to come away from that one with a literary crush.
I know what you mean about crushes. I'm team Peeta all the way right now. I haven't read the other books you listed, but I agree with about Puck on glee - so hot. I still have a major crush on Gilbert Blythe.
I'm still not over the Cullen boys (vamp love is eternal), but Kent from Before I Fall and Cabe from Wake series are 2 tasty treats for sure.
Another good one is Neily from All Unquiet Things-- oh and Adam from If I Stay! Sooo musician boy hot.:)
For a Different... Did I hear right, that the rights to the Vampire Hunter book were bought and Tim Burton is going to direct the film? Anybody know?
Beth-- alright, here I come, Adam b/c If I Stay is on my list!!
I'm reading BEFORE I FALL right now. Okay, not right now because I'm typing this. THE SECRET YEAR is next on my list.
I'm team Gale, but I'm really sitting on the fence. I love both guys.
So with you about Cabe. Just wish he was in GONE more than he was.
Loved Jace in CITY OF BONES etc.
I think it's hilarious that they use older actors to play the part of teens. Why not use the right aged person for the part?
As far as crushes... well, I had (have, when I think about him) a big time crush on Alex from Darkspell, a book that I wrote. :D
BTW--you've inspired me to write a post about passion and MCs, thank you! :D
Elizabeth, woo-hoo, YES!! I forgot about or own MC's! So here's to Hayden and Callen!
Currently, I'm crushless. I need a new book to read! (Okay, I have a million, but I'm having a hard time choosing which one to read!)
Ohmigosh THAT'S Puck?! No wonder everyone is always talking about him - he's CUTE!!
My crush is...Michael Moscovitz from Meg Cabot's "The Princess Diaries" series. I am telling you right now that if he were real, I would marry him. By the way, I've had this crush for over six years. Sad, but true!! :)
My major crush is Kevin Bacon. I luuuuuuvvvvve him. He isn't a book or series but he haunts me.
Thank God you ladies have chosen to leave my man, alone! There was going to be spells and incantations galore had any of you attempted to steal him from me. Mr. Darcy is mine, all mine -- All. Mine. (I managed to convince him that Elizabeth was much better as an herbalist, so she's still on the estate...) And, for the tv, it's Horatio Caine. I know. I know. There's no excuse. But, there it is.
Oooh, that last guy is a hottie! haha. Glad to know he is near 30.
I just finished a really good book...coincidentally, I've posted a review of it today!
My latest crush is Jay from THE BODY FINDER. Good boys are making a comeback!
Hmm let's see...Ron Weasley, Snape (hahaha!), Pacey, and yes, Puck. :)
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