Thursday, April 8, 2010

Remember When: Barbies

I love this Barbie photo shoot (for her 50th anniversary) entitled, “My Year in Paris with Christian Louboutin”.

So it got me thinking about Barbies.
I wasn't so much a Barbie girl, as I was a Skipper girl.
You know, Barbie's more awkward, less endowed younger sister:
Makes a lot of sense NOW!!
How about you?


Small Burst said...

Skipper. Definitely Skipper.

Maddy said...

Teresa! I love that she was brunette and looked Latina.

Linda said...

can you believe it? I never had a real Barbie....Just a fake one. So, I made sure that my daughter had a real one. Love your photos. Thanks for your comments.

for a different kind of girl said...

The first Barbie I owned was a Malibu Barbie, so I've always been partial to the original blond! I still have ALL my Barbies (and most of the accessories). Granted, they're stored in my mom's basement, but they're still mine...and I'd still play with them today if I could get away with it (one of the reasons I wish I had a daughter to go along with these boys of mine is to have someone to buy Barbies for!)

Anonymous said...

To this day I love to wear a t-shirt and white shorts in the summer because that's what Barbie wore. Of course I don't quite have her boobie...I mean body.
Love Barbie

Stina said...

I grew up in England. Never heard of Barbie until I moved to the states. I was eleven. Too old for Barbie (though I wanted one). We had Cindy in England. Never got one of those either.

My daughter has veterinarian Barbie because that's what she wants to be when she grows up.

Pamela Gold said...

Barbie is way too fashionable for my taste... I had the fake Barbie family.... You know the brunette chick? She ruled... She came with a pillow you could stick under her clothes so she would be pregnant one minute and the next, the bitch was holding twins!

I never got the whole "Ken" thing. Skipper, yes. Ken? He just seems like a pedophile...

Christina Lee said...

Pamela- your comment almost made me shoot coffee through my nose!!

BNM said...

omg i loved barbies i had a bazillion of those plastic dolls!! I dont know what was so fun about them. they all looked exactly alike and just sat there with that weird smile on their faces! BAHAHA!!!

Sharlene T. said...

I used to get all the abused and broken barbies from my neighbors and their children. (When I was little, we had Cupie dolls!) Would return them to them after making Reader's Digest dresser dolls. So they never really lost their Barbies so much as put them through rehab!

Cafe Fashionista said...

I liked Stacie myself. She had bendable limbs and was always doing something fun like skateboarding or riding a bike!! :)

Andrea said...

Oh I loved my Skipper doll. My sister and I put sewing pins with the balls on the ends in her ears to pierce them! That sure brings back fun memories. As we got older, we accumulated so many Barbies!! My girls have probably about 75 Barbies. Most of them hand me downs. I may have to expand on your post and make one with pics of all those Barbies!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, yeah...I am more of a Skipper gal! Cute post, Christina. :-)

Mary E Campbell said...

That Barbie photo shoot is hysterical. Skipper is so much less intimidating. I remember having barbies and the only thing we did with them was dress them up and had them make-out with ken.

Lourie said...

I had tons of Barbies and lots of Skippers! Now Skipper is more teen like and has more in the chest department. I like the old Skipper better!

All Women Stalker said...

Awesome bike graffiti! :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I played with Barbie but that was way back when. I was here before Barbie was!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I loooooooved Barbie...I was crazy psycho addicted to Barbie. Ah ha ha

Luschka said...

I'm not a big fan of adult figure dolls myself, but I must say that chic looks good for 50!

Punctuation Mark said...

i love barbie... but my fave was the brunette friend... i thought she was more me...