Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordful Wednesday...Bring May Flowers





p.s. Go here to link up to another Wordful Wednesday:


Stina said...

I'm jealous. It looks nothing like that in Calgary right now. We have early spring flowers (i.e. tulips) and hints of grass, but that's it.

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

so pretty!

Unknown said...

Flowers and plants names always make me chuckle! I'm with Stina on this one I am jealous of how beautiful the area is.

Houston is showing flowers but not near to that extent. However within the next couple of weeks I'll be taking my mom to see bluebonnets for her birthday and I'll take a couple of photos!

Pamela Gold said...

Is this all at your house? We used to have a lilac tree outside of my window of my bedroom growing up. I loved opening the window to smell it. Nothing can compare to that smell!

Anonymous said...

Im so not a flower person but I love love love love that cherry one!

Small Burst said...

Is this your yard/house? Such beautiful trees and flowers!

Christina Lee said...

Pamela and Small Brst: They are from my house or in the neighborhood.

LisaDay said...

Dogwood and weeping cherry. thank you. I never knew what they were called.


Clara said...

Weeping cherry, my all time favourite!

Jen @ After The Alter said...

Lilacs are like my favorite smell and weeping cherry are like my favorite Tree in the spring! LOVE it!

Cafe Fashionista said...

Oh, the Weeping Cherry...I absolutely adore it. I'm obsessed with cherry blossoms!! :)

Andrea said...

All so pretty! I love the tulips!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh. Oh. I think you just pictured all of my favorite Spring blooms. Are these all around your house?

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

I wish!!!Snowing here!

MBW aka Olleymae said...

Spring flowers are always so cheery. Thanks. I loooove tulips.

Maddy said...

Weeping Cherries are my favorite! Actually, they all make me so happpy this time of year :)

Lourie said...

Oh wow, for the first time in 2 years I actually am missing the East coast. I love all those lovely blooms and colors.

Melissa B. said...

I've got a dogwood (white) and a weeping cherry in my yard, too. Beautiful minds think alike!

Pam said... guys are behind us. Everything has bloomed here in TN. All we have in bloom now is Locus Trees.

Pam said...

Very guys must be behind us in seasons cause we have had all ours bloom already. All green now.

Little Ms J said...

Jasmine is just starting to spring up here in Vegas. It smell so amazing when it hits you suddenly. Love it!

All Women Stalker said...

Oh you are a gardener, too? Christina, oh so talented. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...


Ann Flower said...

You have got a nice garden out there. I think a connection with plants means a connection with the nature itself.