I have been collecting wine corks FOREVER (especially if they have my name on them)...
And still never fill the jars I collect them in. I guess I'll have to try harder. ;-)
Below is an old pickling jar that belonged to my mother. It is so large, I swear it'll never fill up.So I put decorative stars inside to help take up space.
p.s. I HATE twist off wine caps-it just doesn't feel right!
How neat! I'm not much of a collector, only because it makes me feel like I have one more thing to pick up, it sounds silly but if you could see my house you'd understand!
Maybe I should think about collecting something awesome though!
I have an old martini pitcher full of corks. What makes me sad is I keep hearing the wine industry is pulling away from corks.
I love that pickling jar. Give it to me! :)
My ten year old collects wine corks and bottle caps. He loves to smell them.
Can you recommend a red for a girl who only loves whites?
I love cork boards :) Unfortunately, J and I don't drink enough wine to make one (you can apparently buy them at craft stores though)
I collect crosses from all over the world. Some myself, and some from others who brought them back for me.
I also have a HUGE Christmas tree ornament colection.
Um...does dust count?
What a great thing to collect. I once saw someone make a cork board out of wine corks. As of last year, my kids and I collect shark teeth. We'll be hitting near by beaches where we can hunt for them! So far we only have 5. Let hope this collection grows.
Strays? I live at the end of a dead-end road near the woods. People are always dumping cats. So being the animal lover I am I get them fixed and rehomed. Meanwhile I have 2 outside cats that are feral and can't be tamed (caught them long enough to get them fixed and their shots - I feed them and they live in the woods).
Add in 4 inside cats and a working dog for the deaf, I'm more prone to say I collect long haired dust bunnies. (Hugs)Indigo
I will not drink wine with twist off caps...I'd rather drink mouth wash...Listerine anything but that two buck Chuck stuff!
I also collect wine corks. We've made a cork board, coasters, and I have a large bowl filled with them.(check out http://www.justcorks.com/wcbkit.htm)
Random fun thing to do: we keep track of how many corks are in the bowl and then when we have company, we let them guess how many are in there. First person to guess within 10 gets a bottle of wine. So far, no one has been close.
P.S. I tagged you today on my blog. ;)
dust? laundry?
you should try a wine cork wreath! they are gorgeous!
I just started collecting wine corks this year...man I would have filled several jars if I stated sooner. I'm thinking of making a cork board with mine.But for now they are in a small jar.
The Hubs and I drink tons of wine. (See my second to last post.) Anyhoo, he loves to collect his corks. At Thanksgiving I glued them down onto a bamboo mat to create a trivet/pretty display for all of our hot food. Turned out pretty cool.
We have a magnet collection. We get a magnet whenever we go someplace cool. The kids usually pick them out so most of them are heinously ugly, but they're fun reminders of our vacations and the time we spend together.
I collect shells - I have since I was a little kid. Not just the typical shells you find on the beach, but exotic shells that are hard to find.
OMG, you have the coolest manias EVER!
Hum, what I collect? Dreams and goos thoughts ;D
I collect Christmas ornaments from every place we travel. My favorite is the miniature outhouse with skis by the door from Steamboat Springs, CO. :) Makes me laugh every time we hang it on the tree.
Critters and ducks. :)
ooh I love hearing about all these colections-- and new stuff to do with corks!
I collect shells and have the same problem. I start a collection in an empty Prego jar, for example, and before I know it, I'm putting shells in the salsa jar I just ran thru the diswasher. I decided last weekend that I need a MUCH larger container in which to consolidate my treasures!
When I was a kid, it was stickers. Later it was cows. Now it's Snow Globes. I have 5 now. I just got one today from a thrift store for a whole $1.35! score! It's really super cute and really all that is wrong with it is, the water is lower than it once was, but not by much. And the wind up dealie(that's what they are called) is broken off. It's got trees and a dog on the outisde, and the inside has a boy in a baseball uniform and a dog with him.
I've been collecting deer items since I was 7 - so I have alot of them. ;) I'm with you - it just doesn't feel right to have a twist-off cap on wine. Corks are much classier! :)
I collect wine corks too! I have two containers full...I love to look at them and be reminded of the celebrations and happy times they usually accompanied. I don't know how long I'll keep collecting them, but I did see some cute wedding place holders made out of wine corks. That would be something fun to use them for! I like your stars idea!
We've been tossing wine corks in a big glass vase on the kitchen table for a bit now. I had planned to make little cork animals with my kids, but it has turned into kind of a collection!
I have bags of corks. I always thought I would make one of those corkboards. They make cute wreaths too. I will have to see if I have any with Christina. Many are 2 buck Chuck!! I love your jars.
I collect tins.
I collect teapots and other things that take up space. I should collect things that can be placed inside a pretty jar.
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