Monday, May 3, 2010

Spread the AWESOME

Today is a pay-it-forward kind of day.

A few dozen writers around the blogosphere are hugging an author today and touting their work.

This was put together by Awesomeness herself, ElenaJ. Thank you Elena, for putting together this blogfest.

The author I chose to spotlight is Lisa McMann.

I seriously have a girl crush on her!

Her Wake trilogy and her writing style are made of awesome.

And she really inspired me to play up my own style.

SO, I am giving away A SIGNED COPY of WAKE.

Lisa is sooo cool. In the signed copy she wrote "Don't Dream and Drive", something you'll understand after you read the book.

Here's the premise:

For seventeen-year-old Janie, getting sucked into other people's dreams is getting old.

Especially the falling dreams, the naked-but-nobody-notices dreams, and the sex-crazed dreams. Janie's seen enough fantasy booty to last her a lifetime.

She can't tell anybody about what she does -- they'd never believe her, or worse, they'd think she's a freak.

So Janie lives on the fringe, cursed with an ability she doesn't want and can't control.
Then she falls into a gruesome nightmare, one that chills her to the bone.

For the first time, Janie is more than a witness to someone else's twisted psyche. She is a participant....

Fill out the form below and hit submit to be entered.

**The contest ends Friday, 5-7-10 at 5 p.m.**

PLEASE visit the other writers (over 60 of us!) participating in Spread the Awesome day, like Carrie Harris.


Unknown said...

What a great idea from Elana!! I love that your participating, I've seen this book but never read that back, glad you shared it looks great!

Kristen said...

Awesome post, thank you!

AndreaLeigh said...

i've been meaning to read this forever! i follow you through google reader, btw.

for a different kind of girl said...

How fun! I just finished the final book over the weekend, and loved the stories.

Jonathon Arntson said...

This book keeps resurfacing and I keep not reading it. It is officially added to the TBR pile!

Janet Johnson said...

Interesting premise. Thanks for sharing. :) Elana is awesomeness.

Unknown said...

Great review! Glad to have found you.

NGS said...

I don't want to enter because my Bestest Friend already sent them to me, but these books really are the awesomest. I agree with you that they are excellent fluffy reading!

The Blonde Duck said...

That sounds like a really cool book! I'm calling the library!

Suzette Saxton said...

Thanks for the fun contest! I'm long overdue in reading this book, thanks for the recommendation!

Kristi Faith said...

So awesome! Thanks for the great contest!!

Christine Fonseca said...

Having met Lisa - yeah, she is AWESOME! Great choice

Rachele Alpine said...

My students love Lisa's books. Have you ever been to Lisa is on there a lot and used to share pages of the books she was working on in the forums section. It would be pretty cool to offer her advice on her writing!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read these. There are SO many I want to read and this awesome blogfest is certainly adding to the list. Isn't it great?

Lourie said...

If I don't win, I just might have to go out and buy it! hahaha.

Sherrie Petersen said...

I borrowed this book from a friend and enjoyed it so I'd love to win my very own copy :) I've seen your avatar all over people's comment section so it's nice to finally visit your blog!

Xavia said...

Wake,Fade,and Gone are some of the greatest books i've read in a loooonnggg time I love Lisa Mcmann and these books so much

Shannon Messenger said...

Awesome review. I already have a signed copy of wake, so I won't be entering. But you are right to shout out for such an awesome author! :)

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Btw here is a link to the Buffy Musical (=

angie said...

Great giveaway! Here is my tweet:)

Sharlene T. said...

Oh, wow. Will have to get this for my granddaughter...What a nice thing to do for other authors.

Lindsay said...

Awesome post. I've been wanting to read this for a while.
I'm loving reading these reviews and discovering new blogs. So glad I found yours.

Stina said...

Okay, I so get what Lisa wrote. I love all three books from the trilogy.

Unknown said...

From your review, this book sounds fabulous, and the author's inscription has piqued my interest even more. Can't wait to read it!

Looking forward to following :))

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Oh, my gosh! You have no idea how much I want to read this series. Big-time!! Pick me...pick me!! :-)

Angela Ackerman said...

How can anyone NOT read that blurb and then not grab the book off the shelf? Oh I hope I win this one. :)

Elana Johnson said...

Great review -- and look at you, having a sweet contest and all that. You rock!

Nichole Giles said...

I love this series. Read it three times in a row, just because I think the style is so incredible. And who else could ever pull off such flawless third-person present-tense?

Yeah. Fantastic X 10.

Pamela Gold said...

"Made" of awesome? This is the best description I've ever heard! I'm going to read this even if I don't win.

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

this one has been on my radar for a while! Wonderful review!

Visit My Kingdom Anytime

B.J. Anderson said...

This was such a great book! And I borrowed my copy, so it would be awesome to have my own. :D Especially a signed one!