We live in a 1920's home with very little space for extras.
I love the character of the house and all of it's unique nooks and crannies. But, I wrestle clothes out of my closet and have no room for my dream bookshelf.
For now my books end up in drawers or wicker baskets.
Needless to say,I have bookshelf envy:

Hubby and I have dreams about our future home. He'll have a music room and I'll have a library. *sigh*
(zokk.com.au, blog.hgtv.com, magchunk.com)
What do you wish you had room for?
The hubs and I have this dream all of the time! I'd love my own library included with workspace and a nice chair of course, all those important library needs!
The hubs would like his own workshop... where he could build my custom library and desk!!! Guess I know whose getting their room first!
I don't have a bookshelf either! Not really. I have a closet with two teeny shelves that I have to cram my books in, and, needless to say, they don't really fit. *sigh* You know it's bad when I visited my prospective university, looked at the desks (with shelves included) and thought, "Wow, I'll have more room for my books!"
I finally have part of my dream room. It still needs some decorating and lighting adjustments but I love it. My dh used to tell me we were out of room for books and I would reply, "no, we are out of room for bookshelves!"
Here a some more photos for you to envy. :)
Oh, wow! I want!!!!
I want 4 bedrooms (I have three kids). One has to sleep in the playroom (which isn't the ideal situation) because the bunkbeds and sharing the same room idea didn't work. One day. Sigh.
I'll take the last one please! How awesome! We've been looking for a house for about seven months now. We put an offer on one in Mentor that had a huge backyard. My boyfriend promised that eventually I could build a little writers cottage in the backyard. We didn't get the house...boo! It would have been awesome!
Besides a fireplace and front porch, I would also love built in bookshelves! Great minds think alike ;o)
Yes, and I got it, or at least as close as I will get to it. We converted our living room into a library so now I have giant wall (similar to Pic No. 3) full of books and knick-knacks. My husband took my dream picture and made it reality. I love it.
Those are crazy awesome bookshelves! We have no room for large ones at our house either, but luckily my pop owns a home in Seattle with handmade bookshelves covering 3 walls of the living room/fireplace that are filled with his old tomes and will one day contain mine as well.
OH! I just want to move into these homes now!
More bookshelf space would be wonderful!
I have dreams of having a fantastic bookshelf and a music studio in my house. A state of the art music studio that i would just eat, sleep and sing in. Well, we will get them all in the nearest future.
omg i have MASSIVE bookshelf envy. i wish all my walls were covered in bookshelves.
I'm with you on the library, built-ins sound lovely. I've always said I'd rather decorate my home with piles and piles of books on shelving instead of "the perfect picture"...
Those are just way awesome bookshelves. Love #2. My books are lucky to get a spot on a table half the time they just sort of started making a large rather unsturdy version of Jenga in the living room. It's time I get another bookshelf. Have a great weekend!
I alllllwwwwaaayyys wanted a library like the one from Beauty and the Beast where there's a slidey ladder and all that fun stuff.
There is something about libraries that I LOVE.
cool pics!!
Love the first one. Thanks you've inspired me.
Oh my. *drools* I wish for a library room like first pic and the last pic...lovely!! And if you could arrange a music room for me too - thanks! ;) Now I must tidy up my messy bookshelves here!!
Ahh! I want that one where the books are diagonal in squares. My books are stacked on my table -- I have bookshelf envy too.
Now I have bookshelf envy too.
I'd love an entire bookcase wall. That would be awesome.
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow.
I don't really need a new room. Right now I'd like a larger office space with new furniture.
I'm saving for a bookcase wall and should be able to get started in about November. I'd do it, myself, but want it to look good...so, my biggest cost is going to be labor...but I can't wait...
Oh wow, those bookshelves are gorgeous: Now I have bookshelf envy, too. I'd love to have space for a bookshelf like the one in the last picture. :)
I would love to have the bookshelves a la photo number two. But, the one thing that I have been in envy of ever since I was in grade school are those people who have huge windows with a window seat.
OMG I'm so drooling over those! My goal in life (apart from being a published novelist) is to have my own library!
OMGosh those pics are amazing! I love the second one especially.
I dream of having a library like the Beast gives Belle in the Disney movie. Ahhh, I nearly swoon during that scene every time!
Okay, so I'll probably never have a library quite like that. But if you can't dream big, then what's the point? ;)
I have dreams about having an entire room dedicated to being a library. I adore the first and third library pictures you posted. I think mine will be somewhere between the two. I've always kind of imagined the dream library in my house to be in a loft type area (a big loft - obviously).
These are gorgeous pictures!
Hello again. I am back to say that there's a blog award waiting for you on my blog.
I love the first one the best! Nice....
I would love to have the bookshelves a la photo number two. But, the
one thing that I have been in envy of ever since I was in grade school
are those people who have huge windows with a window seat.
One of the houses we looked at, had a really big fun room with built in book shelves. I loved it. Not sure what I wish had room for...if I would get rid of stuff that would help. haha
I wish we had trees that were already perfectly positioned for a hammock.
I know - I want for very little.
I totally have shelves like that in my room. I feel so cool. :) Seriously, though, it's not hard to do... I converted one entire wall in my bedroom into a giant floor to ceiling bookshelf for well under $250 using the bracket and shelf system from Lowes. I add to it as needed.
OMG awesome pictures! I wish I had more room in the kitchen. I dream of a large roomy kitchen with lots of counter space.
Oh I get bookshelves envy A LOT, too! These places are so so pretty. *sigh*
I'm wayyyy behind on blog reading! I love that top photo with the white shelves and ladder. One of my goals in life is to have a house big enough for a library big enough to never get rid of a book EVER.
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