Yes, with myself. Don't judge. ;-)

Me: "Get a hold of yourself already, will you? Yeah, you're in the querying phase of your novel and waiting to hear back is hard. But you've got to stop all the moping around."
Myself: "You're right. I have nothing to be mopey about. I accomplished something. I wrote another book. And I love this one, I really do. I don't know if others will though..."
Me: "You've only been querying for a month and have had several agents request pages. You queried your other novel for six months. So calm down already!
Myself: *Takes deep breath*
Me: "Besides, you already have something else in the works, and all this mopeyness is not sending out good energy into the universe (or some such thing that the book The Secret says)."
Myself: "You've got some good points. I need to hang in there, or my real jobs are going to suffer from my bad mood. Jewelry will come out all blackened and depressed looking, and the newspaper might want me to write the obituaries instead."
Me: "So how about you make a deal with the universe?"
Myself: "Like, what kind of deal?"
Me: "Like try hard to get out of this funk, start working on fresh ideas, and then the universe will pay you back with some kind of good news. "
Myself: "All right. How long do I have to do this before my good news comes?"
Me: "It's hard to say. So you've got to make a conscience decision to be more positive and take rejection/defeat in stride."
Myself: "But I have champagne chillaxing in the back of my fridge for good agent news. I don't want it to go bad. "
Me: "So you'll buy some more if you need to. Don't worry, you're time will come. I don't know when. But it will. You just have to believe."
Make a wish,
and then let it go,
Believe and believe,and it will come back ten-fold.
-by moi'
What a way to get your spirits back up, a pep talk from yourself... some of the best around!
I love your quote, Christine. Great dialogue with yourself. I'll remember it when I'm back in the querying trenches. You'll know when that is because I'll be posting everyday. That way, my inbox will be filled with amazing comments instead of not-so-amazing rejections. :)
Yes, I've become so much wiser since the last time I queried.
i love ur one-on-one convo! very positive. good thoughts. u r right- good things will come. very nice, faith-afirming post christina and great pics!
The best of luck with you queries. You have a great attitude about the process, I know the waiting is torment. Good luck!
I love this! And, there's nothing wrong with having a conversation with yourself ;-)
Dream. Shine. Believe. That's a saying my daughter has on her wall and your post reminded me of it. The "Believe" part being the most important.
Good post!
Awesome! This truly made my day! ^_^ Keeping my fingers crossed for good news on your novel soon ...
Good luck, Christina! Good things WILL come your way.
So very true, my dear! Your time will most definitely come! And when it does, I'll be one of the fiest in line to pick up your YA book :o)
Thanks for that.
That is basically the exact same conversation I had with myself this weekend. Glad I'm not alone :)
Wonderful! Keep up the positive vibes!
Oh, I love this post. I'm not in the query stage or anywhere near it but I talk to myself like this on a daily basis. Me vs Myself haha. Thank you for sharing and yes patience is the one lesson that sometimes all of us have to re-learn at some point. Well okay maybe thats just me I'm a glutten for patience punishment I think. Thanks for sharing and crossing fingers for you. I can't wait to read when the day you get to toast to a deal!
Good luck! I'm sure this is stressful as heck!
Are you ever right on the money with this!! I cannot wait to visit you sometime in the near future where your title reads something like "I was right!!".... and you have a whole story about your new book deal. I believe in you.....
Love the picture!
Good luck! I'm terrible at the "hurry up and wait" thing, so I know it's difficult. Hang in there!
It think the comment glitch might just be you Christina, mine seem to be working.
At least you know how to give yourself a good talking to! Now, follow it...and come visit when you can...
Love this! So positive and encouraging!
Good luck and have fun working on your new ideas while you wait for all the great things to come back to you!!!
The good news: champagne doesn't go bad for a long time. I haven't gotten to the querying stage yet, but based on my impatience with hearing the results of blog contests, I feel your pain! Good luck, and good vibes to you.
I need to have conversations like these. I especially like the part about the champagne. You can get another. Listen that part of yourself. I am sending good vibes into the universe!
YES YES YES a million times yes.
i could hug you so hard right now.
hang in there! and fight back the insecurity!
you will rock this :D :D
I do believe I need to make a deal with the Universe as well.
Ah, query phase of writing...actually it was invented by the a very mean person...:-) Good luck.
Me and Myself have been having the same conversation over here! Love the quote from moi :)
It isn't mad you have conversations with yourself. I do it too.
Love the message. We do just sometimes need to believe. :)
Such a wonderful post!
Don't feel guilty about talking to yourself! We all do this, especially during the query wars. Best of luck!
I have the same conversations with myself all the time. :) In fact, I just made a similar deal with the universe.
Keep fighting the good fight!
G-R-E-A-T POST. I think there is a lot to be said for the power of positive thinking. Belief is all that stands between anyone and publication.
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
No judging here. I often have conversations with myself when I get into a funk!
Sometimes the universe is pretty flippin' smart. I'd be wise to remember that sometimes, too!
I like your poem, your monkey and your moxie. It will happen, my dear. Believe, believe.
Crack open that bottle to celebrate a great book.
Good luck.
This is so lovely. And the lines about wishes at the end: so heart-warming and true. :)
I loved this so much!!! And I totally agree with you, we have to think positive. And always fight, like the Funk episode on Glee =D
Waiting is so hard! I will keep sending good wishes your way :)
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