Monday, June 28, 2010

Remember When: Rubber Bracelets

Madonna started the black rubber band craze that I wore in the 80's.
And then my friends and I changed to the more colorful, less emo version:
For this generation, there are Silly Bandz. Whoever created them is rolling in the bucks.

My son wears an armful of the dino-shaped ones everyday and exchanges shapes with other kids all the time.
Yep, the beat goes on!


Unknown said...

I've heard so many good things about these silly bandz but never seen them so thanks for showing a picture! What a concept, I bet the kids do go wild for them!!

I still have a few of the rubber bracelets, that's one of those things I enjoyed a bunch while growing up... now all of them have meanins but when Madonna started the craze the only words for them was must-have!

Matthew MacNish said...

The craziest thing about silly bands is that they have never once spent even a dollar on advertising and they are still selling like hot-cakes!

Sharlene T. said...

Nothing changes... my adult sister has them!... at least, you can use them, if necessary... the pet rock craze still eludes me... come visit when you can...

Twitter: SolarChief

Andrea said...

We were just talking about this the other night! I said Madonna had an armful of black bracelets, in her Borderline days!! So funny. My kids wear the bracelets too. It's a fun little trend that's not really expensive, and it is sort of teaching them good sharing!

Christine Fonseca said...

yep - My kids wear them too!!!

JEM said...

I was just thinking this morning, I thought I looked so cute going to work, but would I still think my outfit is cute ten years from now. I guess good fashion continues on to new generations!

Rachele Alpine said...

My students are obsessed with these and they're in high school!

Dina's Days said...

Just the other day, a friend of mine was telling me how all of the students at the middle school where he works wear an arm full of these. It got me thinking, imagine if you were an elementary or middle school teacher for like 30+ years. Imagine how many trends and fads you see first hand come and go. I remember slap bracelets! I rocked the heck out of those! Like 4, 5 at a time.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what "takes off" in our society. I do love those bracelets. Remember Beanie Babies. I want to invent something that will make me money! Ha!

MBW aka Olleymae said...

so I see those shaped rubber bands all over, but I haven't bought any. Maybe I need to jump on the bandwagon lol.

Also, I remember the slap bracelets--where it's a long strip you slap around your wrist. THOSE WERE COOL.

Lourie said...

The kids out here are not allowed to wear them at school, because people are getting hurt. Over bracelets? Really?

Kelly Polark said...

Those silly bandz are all over our house! So funny how things get popular.

Tahereh said...


i knew nothing of those bands! ive never seen them before!!


K. M. Walton said...

They are wildly popular around here as well. My younger son's arm is filled with them!

And I used to wear like 40 black rubber bracelets back in '85. Funny.

Anonymous said...

With a little sister in elementary school, I have been those rubber bracelets around as well. It's so nostalgic -- each generation has their own childhood quirks. :)

Tracie said...

We have about a million of those ridiculous things all over the house. Such a simple idea and someone is making a fortune.

Small Burst said...

just got some silly bandz for my kids finally. I wish I would have thought of them.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, I was just saying the other day how I wish I had invented those!

Laura S. said...

My nieces and nephews are obsessed with Silly Bandz! I wish I'd thought of this myself, lol.

Melissa B. said...

Madonna was the first person I thought of when those Silly Bandz started popping up in Room 215. And yes, the craze is just as big in high school as it is in the elementary grades...

Little Ms J said...

My mom heard a rumor that each bracelet signified a boy you'd done the deed with and therefore... no bracelets for me. If you walked past me with your arms full you would likely have gotten a dirty look from my mom....

Janet said...

Those are awesome. I've never seen such a thing. But I did rock the black ones in the Madonna days!

Maddy said...

My hubby pointed them out to me recently when we went to the mall and how he heard about it being the new things with kids these days. He heard in the local news they are even trying to ban then from the schools here. Not sure why, but it seems a bit silly. They're only rubber bracelets :(

Jen @ After The Alter said...

I always wish that I could come up with the fads, b/c those bands are crazy!!! Kids love them and they are like $5 per little pack! Maybe in my next life ;)

LisaDay said...

Animal-shaped bracelets. Who knew. I do remember those bracelets. I think I recently got rid of them.


for a different kind of girl said...

I succumbed to buying some of these last week for my boys. Thankfully, I found a bulk deal for cheap online. Of course, now they want more!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are so cool. I have a set and they are a great new twist!