Friday, July 23, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Querier

8:00 a.m. You're raring to go. You check and re-check your query letter.

8:30 a.m. You look over your list of agents to query and choose one. You double-check their guidelines and press send. You feel pretty darn good about yourself. You are confident she'll love it.

Want to see the rest? Please head over to the Guide To Literary Agents blog, where I have a a guest column (*fist pumps the air*) and show me some love?

Oh, and one more thing? HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


Rachele Alpine said...

I love what happens at 8:00 am the following day and I love the picture of you! Well done and good luck!

Matthew MacNish said...

Nice. Heading over now.

Stina said...

So that's what you look like, Christine. Great post. Boy, you have a amazing respond rate compared to when I last queried. I received a rejection yesterday for a query sent 6 months ago. I'd already stopped querying the novel to do some major rewrites, so the rejection was funny more than anything.

Good luck with your submissions.

Unknown said...

Love is headed your way!!!! Woohoo for the guest post!

Janet Johnson said...

Yay for a guest post! Heading over now. :)

Bossy Betty said...

Done! Loved that post!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I'm going over there. Query days...ah that's what made me look so old! Ha
Happy weekend.

WritingNut said...

Just came back. Loved it! Great post :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

Sharlene T. said...

Loved the post... and thanks for sharing your photo! I've had both kinds of successes, fast and slow responses and a contract on my door step within two days! They also wanted a pile of money... But, ultimately, the night does come and you can stop refreshing your emails to take time off to sleep... come visit when you can...

Twitter: SolarChief

JEM said...

Oh with the TEASER, it's not fair! Fine. I go. But not because you TOLD me to, because I WANT to.

Lindsay said...

Just got back from reading the post. Great job.:)

Anonymous said...

I remember those mornings, and the many websites and guidelines. Have a great weekend.

Lourie said...

Okay it is 12:04AM so I am going to check you out tomorrow morning first thing...promise. Then I will be back here. Promise! So awesome btw!

Portia said...

Woohoo! Love it!

Nora MacFarlane said...

Loved your post - so true!

Lourie said...

Well Christina, it took me allll day to get there, but I did it! In my defense I had a big family gathering of 20 people in my home! And the house is still standing! Woot.

I can't wait to see what the agent says! I am very excited for you. I don't know if I will ever finish a book let alone query one! You are my idol!

Talei said...

Loved your guest post, and very excited for you. Good luck with your querying!!