Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Like...OMG...Shut the Front Door!

Because I text and tweet a lot, I find myself using acronyms even in my emails! Thankfully it has not seeped into every day speech...yet!

I feel like such a "tween".

Mostly I use: OMG (Oh My God), LOL (Laugh Out Loud, although I like my version better: Lots Of Laughs) and BTW (By The Way).

What is this world coming too? ;--)

How about you?

Oh and BTW, HAGD (Have A Good Day)!



Pamela Gold said...

I try to type hahahahahahaha, instead of lol because it just sounds deeper somehow. If I'm texting, a simple HA, will take the place of hahahahahahaha. Make sense?

Anonymous said...

yes i use a lot of acronyms in my daily routine as well. we might as well start texting each other instead of talking. lol

Andrea said...

That is really funny. I have begun to use a lot of acronyms lately texting. I have gotten one or two that I have no idea what they mean! wan (My own for what a nerd)

Bossy Betty said...

I soon have to return to school where I teach 18 and 19 year olds and many of them try to use them in their essays.. I tell them, "This is a NO NO." (Then I have to explain to them that that is not an acronym--it is a direct order.)

K. M. Walton said...

Love the standard, OMG; it's one of my personal favorites.

Tahereh said...


Cheyanne said...

If it weren't for LOL, WTF, and OMG, I wouldn't have anything to say.


Sharlene T. said...

I find I'm using them more and more while texting but just OMG in my writing... guess I should start to include BRB because I have such a tiny bladder... we are evolving and I'm not so sure TAGT! (That's a good thing!)... come visit when you can...

Twitter: SolarChief

Lindsay said...

I like to use OMG nad LOL, but in texts and comments on posts. lol. :)

for a different kind of girl said...

I think I'm a 'hahahaha' typer instead of an LOL one (which, hahahaha, I remember just now that I did that twice in my current post!), too. Also, I now know FTW means 'for the win,' but honestly, every time I see it somewhere, I have to stop and think about what the person is trying to say.

Oh, one more thing! I sometimes see people type #fb at the end of their tweets, and I have no clue at all what that's supposed to be (other than guessing 'facebook,' but it never seems to make sense based on what they've typed!)

Anonymous said...

I love that eye chart. I use all of those, LOL.

Lourie said...

My mom and I chat on yahoo everyday and I find myself typing the way I text... 2: to B: be 4: for etc. And the standard LOL, OMG, BTW one I hate and actually use is bcuz. I really hate it. I mostly use it when I am super tired or lazy.

WritingNut said...

LOL... actually I even say that to myself sometimes, but never out loud (YET), thank goodness :).

I use OMG and BTW quite a bit too!

dawn said...

Don't forget G2G or GTG (Got to go) and idk (I don't know). I use btw all the time...I don't even think of it as text lingo!

As for LOL...I find myself as more of a smiley face person. :)

Little Ms J said...

I use W instead of with and BTW all the time. LOL is so campy that I just can't get on board, but I do XOXO.

Lock me up.

Anonymous said...

I use LoL and BTW a lot in tweets and comments. And that eye chart! Awesome. :D

smallburst said...

oooh, HAGD. I like it. That's a new one for me. Gotta use that one! HAGD!