I went to a showing last night with my girlfriends (should I call us Twi-Moms?) and I've got a lot of yawns this morning.
1. Eclipse was my FAVORITE book in the Twilight series, and the movie didn't disappoint (well, mostly). I think it may have been better than New Moon. But, there was still a bit of a cheese ball factor involved (cue sexy music when Jacob enters scene). We can only go up from here, right?

2. Bella was able to show her angst over Edward and Jacob in this movie. But, I wish more time was given to show her struggle. It seemed rushed. Despite that, my favorite scene in the book (and now the movie), is still the tent scene.

3. The movie's special effects, especially the fight scene between the newbie vampires and the wolves, ROCKED! BUT, I still wonder why they can't seem to get the Cullen's make-up right. And why did the fallen newbie vamps look like mannequins?

I'd still go see it again and look forward to the next installment. Hey, at least Jasper's acting improved in this one. He didn't look so much like a deer caught in headlights.
It was my favorite book out of the four. I've haven't seen it, but I was concerned they messed it up based on the previews I've scene. Based on what you said, maybe not? ;-)
I totally agree, i loved this movie the best, and Jasper was a much better actor in this one, even likable :)
I'm so relieved to hear that the movie is good. I haven't read any of the books, but my daughter is dying to see the movie, so I have to take her on Saturday. lol.
I'm still unplugged this week, but I couldn't resist checking out your comments, Christine, after seeing your Tweet (somehow I haven't managed to unplug myself from that).
The tent scene is my FAV one of the whole series. Can't wait to see it in the movie. :D
This was my favorite book of the four. I need to see the movie soon!
I loved the tent scene in the book too!!
Agreed, agreed, agreed!! Saw it last night and I really enjoyed it way better than New Moon. I do wish they would do something about the other Cullen vampires hair and makeup :o/ Also, Bella was considerably less annoying this movie - so that's a major plus! The ring was nothing like what I expected- in a good way though. So pretty :)
The guy who plays Jasper cracks me up in the movie! He actually looks normal in real life. I'm going to try to see the movie during the day next week...I watched NEW MOON on my ipod, so it would be nice to see this one on a big screen! I'm glad you liked it!
I've never read the Twilight series so I'm a bit out of the craze... I'm in the Harry Potter craze but I can still appreciate the movies (when I eventually see them)
Glad you enjoyed... love the picture!
Haven't read the series, but do know that most movies are such a disappointment from the books that I'm glad there was so little that was different for you... is it possible I'm past my vampires stage in my life?!?... enjoy the Fourth...
Twitter: SolarChief
P.S. Am I the only one who gets messages that my comments are rejected by your mail account?
Hah. That's funny about Jasper. *tee-heeing* I've still shied from the movies. I loved the books so much, I'm fearful of disappointment. You may have swayed me. ":-)
I think I'm the only one in the world who couldn't get into the series. I tried!!!
I love that cartoon! Hahaha! Where did you find it?
The next movie I am seeing is Toy Story 3...tomorrow! Eclipse will likely come next.
I've been hearing that the acting in this one was improved as a general whole, and that the special effects were much better. So I'm glad for that because Eclipse was also my favorite of the four and it was mostly because that tent scene was incredible. Most memorable part of all four books for me (well until the Nesse thing).
I'll have to go see it soon :)
I've been a summer movie slacker so far and haven't seen a dang thing. I need to get out there and fast!
Tent scene = my favorite part as well : )
I have nothing to say about this. This story was not written for grown men. I tried to read the first book. I've seen the first two films. I have two daughters, so I will end up renting it. That is all.
Lots of tent scene lovers--YAY!
You know, I just can't get into Twilight. Every summer I make a resolution to read the books, but I haven't fulfilled that pledge...yet. But who knows? The summer's young, correctamundo?
A complete different take on the movie. I liked the books, but didn't love them. Although, each were better than No. 1. I have only seen the first movie so I need to do some catchup.
I am so looking forward to seeing it. I did not read the books. I have heard that it was better then New Moon. I didn't see the other two on the big screen I am a late bloomer when it comes to these. Actually it was blogging that got me to see them because I needed to know what all the fuss was about.
I'm with you on the MOSTLY loved part. My boyfriend (yes, he watched with me haha) was annoyed with Bella's teenage idea of love. Haha
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