"Don't ignore craft, but there's a time and place for it.
Write like your drunk and edit like your sober."
( Hemingway, Tuller)
Ain't that the truth?
At least it is for me.
Today I'll drunk-write a huge chunk.
Tomorrow, I shall go back and fix it.
And the day after? Make it look puuurrrty. :D

Lamo! No few words have ever been so true!
Yeah, loving that quote. So true.
Love the quote. Though sometimes I swear I'm drunk when I edit, too. ;)
Awesome!! Never thought of drafting this way...
But yeah, I'm getting super wasted today. Sober up in about two months. I'll let you know how that goes :D
That is very clever advice! We just all have to remember to go back and edit:)
Bahaha! I need to remember this! It's an awesome lesson to be learned!
I thought Hemingway said that? Oh well, great advice no matter who said it!
Lol!! I think that's m process when I do most of my blog posts :) Always with a glass of wine in hand!
OMG thanks Matt- I forgot to put his name there. Tuller is an editor who added on to his quote at a conference. I corrected it. THX-whew! Can I just go eat turkey now?
There might be something to that! I'll bet a little drink would let the words just tumble forth!
HA! HA! Perfect picture!
I'd never heard that one before....but it rings true.
(The cat picture is just cracking me up.)
That's great! I totally need to do that. My poor NaNo wordcount!
That is my fav quote of all time! and i def believe in it. Not to say im a drunk! haha but the words that flow out of your mind when you are intoxicated can be genius when youre sitting at the computer.. well sometimes! haha
Miss Neira
Does it count that sometimes I need a drink to write? :p
Love it! Write like your drunk... does that mean we should enjoy some wine as we type?
So, so, so true. I love that. I need to put that as my facebook status it's so epic! Thanks!
The LOL cats just made my day.
Great point. I suppose I do that but didn't think about it.
Thank you.
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