There's something enchanting about the first winter storm.

The snow treats the streets and trees as canvas, and paints in swirls and drifts of fluffy white.

Strong coffee, warm muffins, flannel PJ's, and silence. Oh, and solitary writing time.
Ah, the joys of working from home.
*contented sigh*
WAIT A MINUTE. What's this you say?
The schools are all closed too?
Did I just say quiet--and alone?
Oh well- it was a darn good dream ;-)
Lovely to look at, awful to go out in. And its amazing how a little snow manages to bring England to a standstill with schools closed, transport delayed/cancelled and food supplies running low all within days of the first few flakes. Me? I think I'll hibernate.
Snow is a beautiful thing. I just wish it didn't stay around so long. I moved to a place where it doesn't snow, there are days I miss it (snow days, christmas) and days I don't (like today... it's 75degrees).
Maybe tomorrow you'll have the quiet!
Unedited & Jules and the Stars
Beautiful wintery photos! The snow is beautiful, but I hate driving in it! My kids were hoping for a snow (actually a cold) day yesterday, but they had to go! (well, except for my oldest, he had a fever!). When life gives you snow, make snowmen!
What a crazy snow day! I can imagine being a mom on a snow day is not as much fun as being a kid...but at least you get some awesome pictures out of it! :)
If I worked from home, I would love a good ol' fashioned snow day :) But since I hav to commute an hour for work and we don't close for inclement weather (and if we take off, it counts against out time off), snow can wait a little longer. Or can just by pass us altogether :)
BTW - The movie was great! I'm still puzzled. Would definitely recommend seeing it, though not for the faint at heart.
Twenty inches on the ground at my house. No school yesterday or today and it's still coming down. Funny to have the kids home, though. They're like, "So this is what you do all day? Write and drink Diet Coke?" Too funny!
I always love snow at this time of year.
Hah! Awesome photos. I wrote about Winter today too.
I'm still waiting for our first snow. So weird - we're in Maine and no snow yet. =(
Love the pictures!
Awww! I love the snow. It's so fun and beautiful. :) I just wish it wasn't so dangerous. If only everyone could be safe and warm on snowy days!
Aw, so jealous! I wish it snowed where I live :)
I can't wait for our first snow storm here! I've always been a big, big fan (Unless I have to drive in it).
It's so cold I don't think I could take cold on top of that. Your pictures are lovely but you can keep it until 12/24
I loved watching it fall. There is something so peaceful about it. And it is just quiet. But I will take my near 80 that we've had the last few days. It's going to drop though. But not enough to snow. Darn snow days! haha.
Are those two top pictures yours.
They are so pretty. So much for the quiet!
I've always loved the snow -- on Christmas cards!... It's been tough here because my hvac blew out last week and I had some time without heat. But, now, I'm back to cozy and the snow still looks better on cards! Great pix, though...
Wish I had a snow day right about now! I could get a break from these exams! (Only two left! YAY!)
These pictures are gorgeous!
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