It's kind of hard to explain Christmas spirit to a six-year-old.
We got to the part near the end, when the towns people gathered round, and held hands singing.

"And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. "
"And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"
And a moment of realization crossed my son's face. The synopses were firing off in his brain. He stared and stared at the page, and then opened his mouth to share his words of wisdom.
"Mom, those whoville people OBVIOUSLY don't know yet, that their trees and presents are gone!"
*face palm*
Oh yes, it's tough to explain it because it's something that's felt in the heart. Kids are so awesome and genuine this time of year... especially while they're still young. I'm sure he knows on some level. He has you, right??
Enjoy your Christmas!
Sorry, I had to burst out laughing at that. Of course now I'm wondering if my 6 yo would say the same thing. :)
Ha, ha, ha. Indeed.
Love it. This time you almost made MY drink come out of my nose...
LOL! That was great! Kids are the best. :)
Lol!! Aww! Well, someday (when he reflects back on his momma reading "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas") he'll realize what the Christmas spirit is all about :) Enjoy the weekend!!!
That is so darling. But really for kids that age it's all so immediate. I don't think they can really process something like this until they are a little older. But keep reading him Dr. Suess and in a couple of years the look will come over his face and you'll know "he's got it."
haha. How cute! At least you know he was paying attention!
LOL! This is the cutest thing ever. Christmas is about presents, and that's okay! He'll understand when he's a little older. :)
Ha! Ha! Hilariously cute!
Exactly what Laura said, the kids will understand when they are older! My kids can't wait for "the p words" either! (I told them they can't say presents anymore til Christmas!)
Haha! That is classic! It's even worse when you have a 2 year old that thinks that everything you buy for Christmas is "Mine!". I never thought I would have to say to my two year old "No baby, that coffee maker is not yours". hehe
Awwww, hilarious! Good luck explaining that :) I love little kid wisdom.
They call it like they see it! I love the openness of young minds before we insist they have to be 'rationale.' He's working it out and will, no doubt, have it all figure out in another year, or two. I just love that you read to him... Wish all would do that... and open their world... Come visit when you can... Check my other blog and discover my Christmas Miracle - 27 Puppies and Teddies.
LOL, aww your son is adorable!
On another note, Dr. Seuss is so good.
bahahahaha thats priceless!
What a cute son you have! Children are adorable.
Dr. Seuss was the man!
Just a reminder! Be Jolly By Golly Blog fest is this Monday! Melissa and I look forward to reading your entry!
Unedited & Jules and the Stars
Gee, no one can comment on your blogfest post? I cheated and am commenting on this one instead. I loooove the leggy reindeer! So cute. Merry Christmas!
For some reason I couldn't leave a comment on ur blogfest post but your decorations are lovely.
Has he seen the CHarlie Brown Christmas special yet? My kids always ask how old are they supposed to be? I never considered that one til I was older. Now I always ask: Where are their parents.
Happy Holidays dear (I know youve shut down your comments for your latest post, but I wanted to wish you a merry xmas and happy new year!)
Ha ha!
Happy holidays.
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