Despite trying to feel festive and charitable, some things just drag me down. And I become completely overwhelmed by the sheer number of things left to do on my list.
The top three things that I've come to despise this time of year:
1. The crowds and looong lines everywhere I turn. And there's no way around it, but if I could, I would avoid the mere mention of the word "mall" at all costs. Instead, I prefer to shop on-line, and at independent boutiques when I can.

2. The scrooges in disguise. I may be a scrooge about my long list, but that doesn't mean I treat others rudely. I absolutely HATE witnessing when a person, who just happens to be buying tons of gifts for their loved ones, berates the clerk at the cash register or give others in line dirty looks. Rude people SUCK, period. And they look worse around the holidays.

What are you a Scrooge about this time of year?
(photo credit:, getty images, viatrading,
1. I'm with ya on the mall thing. That picture you posted sent shock waves of panic through me. There's *no way* I'd make it.
2. I'm also dreading my holiday cards. Must send them out this week.
3. Living so far away
All of my family is in CA (where I'm from) and I live in Maine. I always miss them, but this time of year is especially difficult.
Other than that, it's all good!
Eek to that line up!!!!
I keep forgetting to send Christmas cards each year. Oops!
People are so very rude during the holiday shopping season! Trying to find a parking spot is like heading off to battle. And I need to write most of my Christmas cards still...sigh.
I haven't been to a mall in years. I shop online or at outlets, where I can get a breath of fresh air every once in a while.
Your mall photo confirmed things for me...YIKES!
I'm actually going to write a post about this. I founnd I was able to get out of my Christmas funk because i adopted a "something's got to give". I decided to forgo holiday cards this year. Not in the mood to do them, so I decided not to. It's amazing the amount of pressure we put on ourselves, especially around the holiday. And most of it is self-imposed. Also, online shopping is the best thing ever! Less time going to the malls and doing cards allows more time for fun things - like time with family and friends :)
I rarely shop for anything because I make most of my gifts, and I don't have that many to buy anyway, but I do hate the long lines and the parking headaches when I have to get out.
The stores get me every year. Even the grocery store is awful. I heart online shopping like nobody's business!
I love most things about the holiday season, but I gotta say, traffic gets pretty wild this time of year. We have terrible drivers year-round where I live (seriously, my city has at least 1/3 of the ten deadliest intersections in the country) so it's pretty bad when I can say I notice drivers are a lot worse than normal!
I am with you on all three of these. Long lines stress me out, some guy at Toys R Us stole my cart (arg!) and I feel guilty because I am not nearly together enough to send out Christmas cards. But I do like cookies :)
It really does stand out when someone is rude in public at this time of year. My sister has had people grab things out of her hands because they wanted to buy them. What?
I'm a crafter, baker, online shopper. I stopped going to malls, for the same reason. Card list is way down... never did send them much... I know. I'm a terrible person... but, I do make Toys for Tots... I'm here to tell you that it just doesn't get easier... but, I do love that special time with family!
I HATE shopping during this time of season. I either go during the work day when the crowds aren't bad or stick to online shopping. It keeps everyone safe.
I am TOTALLY with you on the mall issue. I don't even dare attempt a shopping centre at this time of year - a busy supermarket on the Christmas run-up gets me annoyed (although I am not rude - not at all!) Did most of my shopping online this year. I've noticed how atrocious and bad-mannered some people can be. Okay, so Christmas shopping is annoying and stressful but why take it out on other people? Sad really.
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