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You collect the best and funniest FB status updates and Twitter Tweets!
**No names are used (to protect the innocent...or guilty)!
**I don't get the dude in #sisterwives. Like... frankly, he doesn't seem like that much of a catch. FOUR wives? What are his hidden assets?
**The new Britney Spears song sounds like a parody. "If I say you have a nice body, will you hold it against me?" Really, Brit-Brit? REALLY?
**I'm the dude, playin a dude, disguised as another dude.
**Having a stereotypical writer's day: dark room, drinking out of multiple coffee mugs, and the snuggie.
**My 6 yo made a "book" with his own pics and words. He handed it to me & said, "Mom, can you publish this today?" If only it were that easy! :D
**Me and 4 boys in my math group at school. One is a mysterious new boy. Wonder if he is a wolf, vampire, faerie, mer-man, or 1/2 Greek god.
**If you could visit heaven for a single day and come back, would you?
See you on Thursday!
Love these!!!! How fun! Thanks for sharing!
Ha! Fun! I even saw one of those either on my Twitter or Facebook feed!
Twitter's been buzzing about the new Britney song, but I've yet to hear it!
I like the second to last one! Too funny!
The last one is interesting to think about.
Here was my fav: "I'm the dude, playin a dude, disguised as another dude."
I LOVE the man-mer/vampire comment. HILARIOUS.
Ooh, interesting selections!
That sounds like a fun way to try to get this twitter thing figured out.
That first one reminds me of my Grandma, whenever we brought home a guy she thought was just so-so looking, she's say "he must have hidden assets."
I haven't heard Britney's song, but if those are the lyrics, she's redoing an old song from the 50s. Wish I could remember the guy that sang it... I'm sure it Googleable (word???) Sounds like a fun site. Thanks for sharing...
If I went to heaven, I'd never want to come back and it would be hell in comparison for the rest of my life until I went back...assuming I'd go back. ;) Long way of saying, no. I wouldn't do it.
People really should read over their tweets before they post them.
I have never watched "Sister Wives" but I have seem them on news shows and such and yeah,.. don't know what he's got. He's also very full of himself.
The question about heaven is a good one.
Thanks for playing!
Haha, these are great! Especially the one about the mysterious new boy: clearly he has to be some kind of supernatural being, according to all YA literature out there :) Love it!
I don't think I would want o go to heaven to visit fir one day..cause who knows if I would want to come back. :)
Wow, I really love that last one. Makes ya think!
These are great. My fav is "Me and 4 boys in my math group at school. One is a mysterious new boy. Wonder if he is a wolf, vampire, faerie, mer-man, or 1/2 Greek god."
Pure awesomeness.
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