So, take it away, Laura!
If you send a writer a virtual cookie, she'll return the love, but will notice that you’ve updated your profile. Clicking on your new smiling image, she’ll see that you’re on Twitter. She’ll decide to send you a tweet which will remind her that she forgot to post a tweet on her account. Closing her blogger friend’s page, she’ll remember that she was supposed to be blogging.
Sitting in her quiet office, waiting for inspiration, the dryer beeps in the background. Avoiding ironing at all costs, she pops out of her chair and quickly hangs up the warm clothes before the dreaded wrinkles can set in. On the way back to her desk, she’ll notice the stack of unopened mail on the table by the back door. Sorting through ads and bills, she finds a professional looking envelope with the name of an agency she queried.
Returning home, she tries to remember what she wanted to write. Hurrying to her desk, she notices the empty screen still waiting for her blog post. Staring at the flashing line, she ponders what the heck she can write about. Maybe, organization? Maybe a more professional entry would be better in case a prospective agent checks out her blog. Agents and editors! She forgot to send a query to the editor from the fall conference. Quickly, dragging out her binder of important papers, she shuffles through until she finds the submission guidelines. Three months? She swallows and counts how many weeks since the conference and remembers she needs to make an appointment for a haircut.
Going to the mirror, she looks to see if any gray roots are showing. Looking at her reflection, she wonders if she will ever get her manuscript published – there are a few wrinkles appearing around her eyes. That’s what her character needs! Wrinkles. Back behind the desk, she brings up her work-in-progress. A soft ping announces she has mail. Opening the email, in case it’s the agent she queried last week requesting a partial, she finds a big chocolate chip cookie from her critique friend. Thought you could use something sweet today. Oh, no!
YAY LAURA (story of my life)! ((hugs))
BTW, I know (believe me) how time-consuming it is to hop around to different blogs everyday, in addition to getting everything else done. So if you don't have time today, no worries at all.
BUT, if you have a minute to say hi to Laura over there (you can do it instead of here) at THE NEW EMILY or to click her followers link, please do. Remember how strange it felt the first few months of blogging? *HELLO, IS ANYONE OUT THERE?* :D
This is a great post. As a person (and writer) who knows full well that I simply cannot multi-task, I don't really have days like this, but I can imagine what it must be like.
Off to follow Laura ...
I'm not there yet. ;-P
Heading over right now.
I think I have read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie about a jillion times....but now it will always have special meaning!
Too Funny!
Ha! Love it!!! It sounds a lot like my life!
Very cute post! Laura is a top-notch writer and the sweetest person ever. I'm hopping over to her blog right now!
So funny, and you're right, that's exactly how it feels some days!!!!!
This post was awesome.
That reminds me, I've got laundry in the dryer. ;) haha.
LOL! Yes i can relate to this. Poor Cookie Monster, I suspect he's having ongoing counselling! :O)
I loved her take on the children's book! It made me laugh because I am always getting distracted.
I love this (it's so me!), but I keep expecting a big agent announcement at the end. ;)
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