If I used these types of rubbers stamps when teaching:

Then I can use THESE when critiquing someone's writing:

( http://www.bookofjoe.com/ , designed by Heather K. Phillips)
Only, I would add: "Not a teen voice", "Show don't tell", "ADVERB abuse!" and "What is your MC feeling/thinking here?"
What would you add?
You have really good ones here. Hmm. I think I'd add "passive voice!" and maybe, "Does this. punctuation: look right to you???"
Agree with Melissa. Huge fan of calling out on passive voice. I think I'd probably add a "WTF???" and an "OMFG!!" and a "LOL!!".
Yes. I'm lame.
Good ones up there! Agreed. When I did critiques for Chimera I was always correcting homonyms. Then vs Than, the "there's" and always the too vs to. (and occasionally two, cringe) But I think the one I could use the most is "Comma goes here, here, here, here, here..." you get my point ;)
I like are you happy about this? In my job, I would add 'Are you showing bias?'
I would probably add: "exposition!"
I want those stamps! I would add KISS (keep it simple stupid) for shorter lines.
Ellie Garratt
Yes, I actually DO have that exact set of teaching stamps from when I was a teacher!
Love the critiquing ones and your additions. I'd add, "Word Choice?" and "Awkward sentence, reword" and of course a positive one "LOVE THIS!".
Love the stamps!
I would add "Awkward Sentence." and "Funny!" :)
Repeat word.
Haha! I'm not great with constructive criticism, so I'll take the colorful kidde ones instead :)
LOL It would save you time instead of typing them out.
I recognize some I'm guilty of. :D
Adverb Abuse is a great one!!
I like it! I'm heavy into my first round of workshopping in my creative writing class and I'm trying to get some shorthand down for things like "Is this detail really necessary?" A stamp would be so nice!
I want some stamps like that! I tend to notice repetition. That would be my stamp ;)
Bahaha! I love it!!
LOL "I liked it better last week." hahaha. I can't think of anything to add. Yours are awesome.
I would add "Awkward phrasing" because that's the comment I most overuse. So cute!
My favorite is the adverb one!
I want those writing stamps! How about, "Your Mother has to love your work!"
Just finished up a 3-week first-degree murder trial and I'm pooped -- too much focusing! Come visit when you can...
I'd add "LOL"
lol :)
I love these stamps, especially the "HUH" one even though I've never used that before.
These are cute! I think my favorite is HUH. Says so much with one word. :)
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