In a nutshell: Wait to get rejected at least 100 times on a manuscript before throwing in the towel. But, she encouraged tweaking your query and pages based on feedback too. Go and read her post if you haven't already.
I happen to think 100 is a good number too, as long as you (and your writing) continue growing during that process.
I was also rejected over 100 times with my first train wreck of a novel. The one that is being completely overhauled now.
Here's what I learned with the second book I queried (the one that got my agent's attention): I was getting way fewer form rejections than with the first, and more personal comments.
That told me I was improving, and that maybe my second book was more desirable and commercial (even still, I have the submission process ahead of me, and am in revisions with my third book).
So today I want to send out some words of encouragement to this fantastic writing community.
Continue to gather the stars,

And shape your own clouds.
Persevere, learn, grow, and BELIEVE it will happen!
And somehow (some way) it will!
(photo credits:, dreamimg,
Just what I NEEDED today!
I desperately needed to hear this today. I'm being showcased all week on Matthew Rush's blog and I'm a nervous wreck.
Continuing to write brings on new growth in the craft and personally. I agree; persistence and never giving up is a major 100!
This is lovely. and you are right, 100 percent.
So true, Christine! It's ALL in the believing and the writing. Never stop believing and never stop writing.
P.S. I got almost 150 rejections before I received my first offer of representation.
Inspring post.
I don't think I've sent more than between 30-50 queries on any given manuscript. Maybe that's my problem!
If you get a chance, please visit my blog. I'm holding a 500 follower contest. Great prizes!
Excellent sentiment. I don't think I got to quite 100 when I queried that first novel too early, but it was over 50.
And hi Jen! Don't worry, you're doing great.
Thanks for the encouragement this morning :)
100? That is a three digit number. I don't know that I'd be able to see straight after 100 rejections. You amaze me. I can't wait to see your name staring back at me in the book store.
Thanks for the encouragement. :-}
I lost track of all the rejections I had before I landed an agent. And once you land an agent, it's all out of your hands. They handle it. All I know is, if you never give up, eventually it HAS to happen for you. Right? :-/
Aw, thank you so much for that inspiration! Those pictures are too awesome--I want to print them out and frame them!
Wow. I've never heard of this idea, but I love it :) I think I shall use it from now on. My first novel is a train wreck as well and I'm actually fearful for anyone to see it, but, just like you, my current rejections are getting personal. Must be doing something right!
Love this post, and the comments from the agented writers. With my last novel, I only queried 45 agents and landed 8 requests, but by the fifth rejection, I knew there was something seriously wrong with the writing and characterizations. I dumped it and started a new novel. No way was I going to keep querying something I now knew didn't have a chance.
I think this is sage advice no matter what you are attempting in life. You have to continually try to improve and grow. Great post!
Such cool pictures and encouragement! Thanks!
I am so thankful to you for sharing your journey and encouragement. I don't know if I could handle 100 rejections. But you definitely inspire.
100 is definitely a good number! It sounds sort of heart-breaking, but you'll never know what you could accomplish if you don't try.
I agree that you should tweak and learn as you go, too. If you're getting a lot of rejections, something isn't working.
Great inspiration :)
Writing is gutsy work. I love this advice.
PS I can hear those waves and I am so jelly.
There's no comment for your above post. So I just want to say have fun in Florida. Hope it's warm!
i'm inspired to lasso the moon too. or at least take a picture like that...
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