At least that's what hubby said when I showed him my favorite 2011 upcoming (mostly debut) covers featuring teen girls.
They are breathtaking, modern, and sophisticated.
Let's take a look:


Who am I missing?
These covers what me running to my current YA WIP and tearing it apart! I'm dying to have a cover as gorgeous as theres! BREATHTAKING!
I've had the priviledge of reading one of those "THE NEAR WITCH" and I can tell you the cover isn't even the half of the inside... the story is SO FLIPPING AMAZING!!!
The last cover is so intriguing! If I was judging a book by its cover, this one would win hands down!
Those are definitely gorgeous! Love.
these are all super fluid too - you know?
Thanks for including my cover of Shattered Souls. They are all so beautiful.
These are all amazing. I remember hearing people complain about the move to photo covers, but I LOVE the trend.
Very sophisticated, lovely!
Thank you SO MUCH for including POSSESS in this amazing list! I totally love my cover and I'm so glad you do, too!
I agree with Very Married about the fluidity of all the covers. Seems to be a common theme. Although the last one seems to be closer to an old Breck ad of the late 1960s or early 70s.
So gorgeous! I hope one day my name will be on a cover as fabulous as any one of those!
I'm sensing a cover theme this year. A beautiful, breathtaking one!
Super artsy fartsy. Seriously though, they are truly gorgeous.
Those are gorgeous. Hourglass is my favorite image.
SO freaking gorgeous....I can't even stand it... except I can because I have a vain streak. ;)
I love those! I'm a huge fan of the cartoony covers popularized by chick lit. I'm not seeing so many of those anymore.
All these amazing covers--it's making trips to the bookstore like trips to the museum! I would totally frame those and hang them on my wall!
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