Yes, I know it's the first day of April (hmm...why does that sound so familiar?).
*It's also the day I'll BEG you to read the 10,000 word essay I posted below, on the importance of eating jelly beans in April. So sorry I deleted all the white space.
*Also, PLEASE watch these 5 videos I've included on the same topic (they are each only 10 minutes long).
*Oh, and rock out to the loud music I've supplied as my blog background(everyone likes my kind of music, right?)!
christina, christina, christina. you really had me fooled! it's been a while since i've been by and just wanted to see what you've been up to and to say hello. Happy spring-although it's still a bit chilly in my neck of the woods. Have a great weekend!
You are to cute! Here I'm like 'what the hell?' and now I'm giggling because you got me. I am known for being gullible. Go figs.
Happy April Fool's Day! I hope no one tries to play too big of a prank on me today :o)
Oh man, that's so funny. I'm known for writing posts that are way too long. Thank goodness I've never done a 10k. I don't think.
*rushes off to check his archive*
Thanks for foolin! My head hurts. I might have cried. Or just left. ;) Love ya! And that's the truth.
Lourie-- I would have run screaming too-ha!
Ha ha. a 10K post with no white space! Love the April Fools :)
Oh you are way too cute Christina!!! And I'm so glad you aren't like your jokes at all!!!
christina, christina, christina. you really had me fooled! it's been a while since i've been by and just wanted to see what you've been up to and to say hello. Happy spring-although it's still a bit chilly in my neck of the woods. Have a great weekend!
Happy the-day-after-April-Fools-day!
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