1.Watching the Robin eggs hatch in our yard. So precious how mama and papa bird feed them and protect them from intruders (those crazy a** Blue Jays).

2. Making chicken pesto
everything. With different kinds of pasta noodles, mushrooms, tomatoes, artichokes--any way I can think of, because it's so easy. I just use Bertolini's pesto from the prepared foods section of the grocery store.

3. Swing time. It's finally been sunny and warm enough to get lots of thinking time in.

4. Spring Shoes. Colorful toenails. Need I say more?

(birding.about.com, slahsfood.com, gharxpert.com, kaboofle.com)
A girl seriously after my own heart. Utter bliss!
I'm currently reading Here, Home, Hope by Kaira Rouda and the cover alone makes you want to pull out a rocking chair, a cup of hot tea and just let the birds chirp around you.
This Month I Love... Chick Lit.
I love watching the colorful birds come to our feeder. I wish we had a nest in view!
I love spring shoes too. No more socks (well, a few days a week, anyway. Midwest weather is crazy).
Hmmmm. Wonder why I'm suddenly hungry. :P
It's going to be warm today (yay!) so maybe I can go barefoot (just not while I'm running). :D
Robin's eggs are so gorgeous. Is that porch swing at your house? I love it! And now I'm going to have to eat pesto for lunch. :D
These are all wonderful things. The robin eggs look so pretty -- and ooh, that swing! So perfect to read a book in.
If that is your front porch, I am insanely jealous! Also, I want those cute shoes! Hoping you'll post a chicken pesto recipe on your blog. We eat your rosemary potatoes at least once a week!
LOVED this post! So happy it's finally spring!
I love springtime, too. We have a feeder in our backyard and while there aren't any nests, we have a male and female cardinal that visit.
I can't wait until my basil is ready to make pesto. One of the easiest and my most favorite recipes!
Remember how jealous you were when I was having 85+ weather. Now you are in warm beautiful weather and we are in what is dubbed as "May Grey." Next month it is "June Gloom" It happens every year. Just gloomy, blah and sometimes chilly. I will love vicariously through you. :)
I WISH that was my swing :-)!
Lovely! Thanks for reminding me of all there is to enjoy.
Such great things to love. Swing time sounds so good right now. I'm glad it's warmed up!
Wonderful things!
And I had pesto with pasta today. So yummy!
Excuse me while I drool all over that chicken pesto!
Wonderful pictures! I wish I could see bird eggs from my window. And I'd love a swing.
Enjoy your spring time.
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