BUT even people who love what they do need time away.
Recharging my batteries was a good idea because:
1. I gained perspective on my various writing projects. I was able to see the forest through the trees, if you will. Big picture ideas came to me organically (while visiting the zoo, etc.) and somehow, it's better that way. It doesn't feel forced.
2. I gained perspective on querying. *sigh* I'm in the process of finding my second agent and it's been humbling to say the least. I know I haven't really talked about it here, just alluded to it. And many of you know the bummer of a story. Time away made me realize that refreshing my in-box every five seconds really did wear my fingers out (as well as my spirit).
3. I gained perspective on social media. Some days I get sucked in big time, chipping precious minutes off my day. It's good to ignore Twitter and Facebook for large chunks of time. It makes you appreciate the people and projects right in front of you.

So take time away whenever you can. Go figure, it really IS important!
P.S. The winner of the jewelry or critique from my three-year blogiversary is.......drum roll please..... JULIE H.!!!!
P.P.S. I've missed you guys! *hugs*
(images: flixya.com and desicomments.com)
It's hard, I think, to pull oneself away from all the things that must be done (or, at least, that seem that way). I'm glad this past two weeks was so fruitful for you--it sounds like it was very refreshing! I hope that sense of renewal stays with you a long time as you recommence writing and querying, and, given the sense of balance you're describing, I think it will!
I'm going out of town the last week this month. Mostly I can't wait to get away from the office, but not feeling like I have to blog will be nice too.
WElcome back! Breaks are always needed. Sorry you lost your agent. I don't know the story but I can imagine it's just as hard the second time around! Hope it works out for you!
(((HUGS))) I've missed you fabulous!!!
So glad you've gained perspective and had time to iron things out. The querying process is so damn daunting.
I've just finished my second round of line edits and already nervous about querying because sitting by the email is THAT time consuming... hehe. Silly I'm sure but that's the way it works.
Welcome back. I am currently trying to gather the courage to query, so I sympathize with you. Best of luck!
Ugh. Big hugs. I'm so sorry you're on the agent hunt again. I wish you a speedy recovery! Good to see you're back, refreshed, and raring to go.
Welcome back! And you are SO right about taking time to recharge! I think my batteries are on low right now, but I've been refusing to give myself a break because it's SUMMER VACATION and the only time I can write full time.
Maybe I need to take a page from your book and give myself a break and a chance to gain a little perspective!
Thanks for the reminder. I think it's exactly what I needed today!
I've been MIA myself and trust me, I know the good a blogging break can do. I do miss my bloggy friends (like you!), but I also know that I need to do a better job of taking care of me. Hugs on all the querying stuff going on. I'm sure all the waiting can be nerve wrecking, but I know that it will be worth it in the end. HUGS to you!!
Missed you, too!
I am still a firm believer that social media is a time suck...and that I would be powerless to resist. Hence, no twitter or facebook for me.
(I can't believe the amount of time I spend reading blogs about writing!)
Yay on the recharge!
We all need a break every now and again, even from the things we adore doing. I hope you can move forward from here and produce more things fabulous!
Oh girl I have missed you too! I took last week off to spend with my BFF and it was wonderful!
Gosh! Missed you!! Glad you gained perspective. It really does help with most everything. Sorry the query road has not been a fun easy one, but you'll get there!!
I still marvel at the amount of time young career people are able to devote to social media. Blogging (even if to keep up with like-minded people), without pay, is still a JOB! And, one, I might add, that most people would refuse to do, if added on to their regular job because the boss wanted more exposure. Add Twitter and FB to it
Good for you! I definitely suffer when I force myself through a story and have had to push myself away from a story when it wasn't flowing. I never regretted it, however anxious I was at the time of walking away. I hope everything works out with your search for a second agent!
I've scaled way back on blogging for the summer and it's been good for me to focus more on the real life going on around me. Time away is always good :)
I love getting your lessons learned vicariously! And those pictures you chose are the bomb. Seriously awesome.
I found the time off great too, except for when inspiration hit on my WIP and I couldn't work on it. But this was a good thing too. It gave me time for the perspective I needed. Yay for short breaks. :D
Welcome back. I am glad to hear you feel refreshed.
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