Friday, October 28, 2011

Haunting Literature Quotes

In honor of HALLOWEEN!

All of these quotes are from 2011 YA books:

"It's reported that his ghost, dubbed County 12 Hiker, has killed at least a dozen people and injured another eight. But I can't really blame him. He never made it home to see his girl, and now he doesn't want anyone else to get home either." From ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD by Kendare Blake

"I reached our building only to find a wide-eyed Southern belle wearing a Civil War-era dress blocking the front door. Sighing, I stuck my hand through her stomach to turn the knob, meeting no resistance. I rolled my eyes as she gasped, fluttered her eyelashes and disappeared in a puff of smoke." From HOURGLASS by Myra McIntyre

"I was about to let go and push back for shore when my fingers felt something strange. My arm was slung over the side of the rowboat, hanging down inside it. And whatever I felt at the bottom of that boat was far cooler than the water I was drifting in, and cooler than the mountain air. It was cold. Dead cold." From IMAGINARY GIRLS by Nova Ren Suma

"I catch my breath as the strangers eyes find mine. Eyes as dark as river stones and yet somehow shining, soaking up the moonlight. Eyes that widen a fraction as they meet my own. A single, long, unblinking look. And then in an instant the stranger seems to break apart, a sharp gust of wind tears through, and the shutters slam closed against the glass." From THE NEAR WITCH by Victoria Schwab

"The foundation of the house rocked. Bridget lost her balance and staggered a few steps until Monsignor's strong hand gripped her arm, steadying her. Mrs. Long grunted and snarled, then Bridget watched in horror as the old lady's body went rigid--feet flexed, arms plastered to her sides--and began to rise off the bed. From POSSESS by Gretchen McNeil.



Christine Danek said...

These are great. HAve a wonderful weekend!

Stina said...

Wow, I've got some serious catch up to do. I haven't read any of these, even though a few are on my TBR list.

Joanne said...

Hm, a very spirited post here today ;)

storyqueen said...

I want to read all of these books!! But where am I going to find the time??


(Got a few goosebumps as I read, I have to say.)


Slamdunk said...

Fun quotes Christina.

I don't think I'll be reaching through any spirits to open a door though.

Meredith said...

Oooh, there are definitely some books in this post that I need to read! Thanks for the Halloween recommendations!

JEM said...

I'm reading Anna Dressed in Blood right now and so far I'm loving it. The narrative is amazing.

Salina Lyn said...

Love it. I'm also reading a few books for the season but mine are of the classic variety. Shelley's Frankenstein and Stoker's Dracula. Muwahahahaa. I can't believe I never read them before now. Where have I been all these years? :)

Pamela Gold said...

Oh that first one gave me goosebumps!

Christina Lee said...

JEM-- hope you love it!! Boy POV FTW!

Theresa Milstein said...

Spooky! Thanks for the quotes. Imaginary Girls sounds VERY scary!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Brilliant! What a great way to celebrate Halloween.

Christina Farley said...

These are such great quotes. So creepily delicious!

Lourie said...

It was a crazy busy but fun weekend!