When I first saw this photo of Lizzie Miller in my September Glamour magazine, I quietly cheered.
I cheered for the attention it was drawing to a normal women's body and I cheered for Lizzie to have such confidence to do it. My hand went to my own stomach, wondering how close to the truth this would look for me too.
I have seen this photo discussed on other blogs this past week and one comment I read made me
stop and think.The commenter was angry that they used such a gorgeous women in such an unflattering photo and wondered why they didn't show her in glamorous fashion photos instead.
Hmmm..... interesting take and I'm still thinking about it.
don't magazines take stylish photos of
all kinds of sizes and inter-mix them so we can all relate no matter what size we are?
I'm not stupid- I'm sure the answer has to do with business and with what the reading audience "wants"-or do they?
Maybe the readers are just
conditioned to seeing all the youth and thin-ness offered up to them in thousands of images a day.
Food for thought....
The industry has definitely made improvements. When I was a stylist for shoots ten years ago I couldn't fit my big toe in those sample sizes.
That hasn't changed.
But some magazines (Glamour included) have run ads and spreads using more average-sized women. But it's few and far between.
My final words on this 9-11 post, 8 years later?
Let's Roll!