Showing posts with label Five Senses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Five Senses. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Five Senses Of Summer: TOUCH

My other Summer Five Senses posts are here: TASTE and SOUND

A wall of heat, thick and unyielding.

The refreshing tingle of the sun-kissed water, as it slides over your skin.

The gritty and cool sand, as it squishes between your toes. Unless it's the middle of  the day, then it's scorching and unrelenting!

The omnipotent feel of "touching" the sky--brilliant blue, puffy white, and filled to the brim with possibility.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Five Senses Of Summer:TASTE

Find my five senses SOUND post, here.

Sweet and creamy ice cream (sorbet, custard, frozen yogurt):

Cool and refreshing popsicles:

Tangy and crisp watermelon:

Smoky and fiery BBQ:

Salted, buttery corn on the cob:

Tart and icy lemonade (and other fruity drinks):

Savory and addictive guacamole:

My five ingredient guacamole recipe: 1 avocado (cubed), 1 medium tomato (cubed), 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic, the juice of half of lime, and 8-10 cilantro leaves, finely chopped. Mix together and salt to taste. Double or triple the recipe as needed.


(image1, image2, image3, image4, image5, image6, image7)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Five Senses Of Summer: SOUND

The pop and boom of fireworks.

The sizzle and snap from the grill.

The splash and plop after the dive.

The tinny hollow from an aluminum bat.

What sounds remind you of summer?


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Five Senses Of Spring: SMELL

Can you believe this is the last post for Spring? You know that means! :D

Find my other spring senses posts, here: TOUCHSIGHTTASTE, and SOUND

1. Fresh blueberries, strawberries, kiwi. Sweet and tangy.

2. Grass. Subtle and earthy.

3. Lilacs and hyacinths. Fragrant and intoxicating. 

4. Rain. Clean and metallic.

(image1, image2, image3, image4)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Five Senses Of Spring: TOUCH

1. The sun's warm kiss on your skin, or the breezy shade under a tree.

2. Toes immersed in warm soupy puddles, or in the cool dewy grass.

3. The silky smooth petals of a flower, or the rough and damp soil from your flowerbed.



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Five Senses of Spring: SIGHT

After the dull greys and winter whites, can we deny the vivid, happy, luminous, uplifting colors of spring?

All supplied by nature. 

We're surrounded by so much inspiration. Happy writing!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Five Senses of Spring: TASTE

1. Spring vegetables like asparagus and peas: fresh, crisp and earthy.

2. Confections: Peeps are sticky puffs of yummy goodness, jelly beans have a soft sweet or tart center.

3. Spring fruits like oranges and strawberries: a tangy, sugary, citrus bouquet dancing on your tongue.

 4. Chocolate treats: dense, melty, gooey pleasure.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Five Senses of Spring: SOUND

1. Birds chirping their poetic melodies.

2. Rain sprinkling and splattering away the signs of winter.

3. Lawnmowers humming and buzzing atop shiny emerald blades.

4. Children shouting and giggling across lawns. Breathless and happy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Five Senses Of Winter: SMELL

My other Five Senses of Winter posts, are here: SIGHTTOUCHSOUND, and TASTE

Can you believe this is my final winter post? You know what that means--spring is right around the corner (and it already feels like it's here--what a mild winter)!

1.Snow smells clean, fresh, and new.

2. Until it turns to an earthy, acrid, muddy mess.

3. But you can always hide inside by the woodsy, smoky fire.
