Showing posts with label Holiday 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday 2009. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

Five Reasons Why I Love the Holiday Season

1. (Practically) guilt-free shopping.

If you're shopping for others and are in the act of giving--and just happen to throw in a little something-something for yourself--then there's no guilt. :D

2. The lights and decorations.

Maybe it's because everything looks magical for one month of the year.

If it were year-round it would lose its effect. I love sitting in my house with all the light off, except for the tree and mantle. It's so peaceful and pretty.

3. The feelings the holiday evokes...

...leading up to the main event. Anticipation, good-will, and visions of sugar-plums dancing in our heads.

4. Creating an imaginary world for my son...

... of Santa and the North Pole, and, no matter your beliefs, a message of spirituality in there.

5. The festivities.

Parties, dinners, get-togethers. Wearing all things shiny and sparkly. :-)

Whew! What a whirl-wind start to all of the holiday madness!

Hope everyone is doing well?

(photo credit:,,, Baltimore Sun,,

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Quick Look Back and then Onward to 2010

This post grew out of a weekend conversation between my husband Greg, and I. He suggested that we list the key moments in our lives from this past decade before moving on to the next.

Here's mine:

1. Meeting Mr. Right and getting married a year and a half later, in a small and cozy ceremony the way we envisioned it. We were in our early thirties, had established our careers (well, kind of) and knew we'd rather spend the bulk of our money on a house and all of its amenities.
2. Getting our first doggy, Reilly. Our first child. It taught us how to take care of another living being. 3. After some struggles, finally conceiving little Mr. Man. If he indeed ends up being our only, I will always be thankful for his gentle nature and sensitivity. Oh, and his great love of nature, especially flowers :-) He'll make someone happy someday (see his bouquet of "flowers" AKA, dandelions):

3. Buying our first home--built in the 1920's with loads of character and an enclosed porch (something I wanted) on a great "neighborhoody" street.
4.This conversation with my husband in 2007:

"I want to quit my job. I don't like being a teacher as much as I envisioned I would. The only part of the day I look forward to is when I read the kids books."

"Do what you need to do. I'll support you no matter what you decide. We'll get by."

"But, what would I even do with my life? I do like writing the style blog and freelance articles for And I'm starting to dabble in jewelry making. Maybe I'll try those things out and then get a part-time job in a bookstore or clothing store or something."

He shrugs.

"Besides, that one psychic said I should quit my job because I'll become a writer someday. I know I laughed when she said it, but maybe there's something to it. I've always had a journal and I've written my share of poetry."

He blinks in surprise. "Um.... well, you know how I feel about psychics..."

5. Hearing THIS from my soon to be editor/boss at the newspaper (not verbatim):

I'm impressed with your post-graduate work, you're time spent in NYC, especially interning in the New York Times Style Department. You're freelance articles and blog are well-written. I'd like to offer you the weekly shopping column at our paper.

(Best of all? Working from home and being there to pick up little man from school.)

6.And my final accomplishment last decade? Writing "The End" on my first ever novel!

Looking at the last decade of my life this way was very rewarding.

I suggest you try it!

NOW Onward to 2010!!!!

(photo credit:,

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tonight's the Night the World Begins Again

....To borrow a Goo Goo Dolls Song. :)

Can you believe it's the end of the single digits?

And to think everything was supposed to come crashing down in the year 2000.

Anyway, I don't really make New Year's resolutions. Usually I just engage in lots of INTROSPECTION (and retrospection, for that matter):

Which probably looks more like this--ha ha:
I look back on all of my accomplishments for the year (and try to break out of my glass is half empty thinking) and then make a list of all that I am grateful for.

In many ways 2009 was a beginning of discoveries about myself.

The biggest was discovering that I could grow as a writer--and finally finish an entire book from beginning to end. And then revise, revise, revise. And despite two other manuscripts attempts that were abandoned (before and after my completed one), I also am well into my newest idea.

But 2009 has also brought death to my doorstep. Lots of it-- in my own family and all around me. Lots and lots of sadness.

But just like life is known to do, endings and beginnings occurred simultaneously mimicking a revolving door of laughter and tears.

So what do I wish for in 2010?

To keep creating... and learning... and growing, especially as a human being. Oh, and for my family to stay healthy.

And so I wish that for all of you as well.


See you next year (snort)!

(photo credits:,,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Favorite Television Shows of 2009

These are the shows I consistently DVR'd. I would have included Mad Men in here but sadly, I wasn't consistent enough with it.

1. 24. Jack Bauer, you and I go back along way. To season one. Despite a couple of mediocre seasons, you still manage to keep me on the edge of my seat.
2. Lost. Sawyer, I am still rooting for you! And Sayid--*swoony swoon swoon*! 3. Dexter. There is just something so intriguing (and disturbing) about the life of a serial killer.
4. Glee. Love the music, the quirkiness, and the politically incorrect one-liners.
5.Vampire Dairies. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the story line. I personally don't think it's cheesy. The acting is pretty darn decent!

And I can't overlook Reality TV. I've watched parts of:

The real Housewives of Atlanta
American Idol
America's Next Top Model
Dancing With The Stars

Anything on E! like, Keeping Up with the Karsdashians, and Girls Next Door (not sure about this season)
Anything on Bravo, Like Tabatha's Salon Takeover

Tag, you're it!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Favorite Reads of 2009

They are mostly young adult books, but as far as I'm concerned the category of book doesn't matter. The writing does. I am well past young adulthood and some of these books blew me away!

1. The Hunger Games, books one and two. Suzanne Collins' writing grabs a hold of you and keeps you hostage in her incredible dystopian world. The books are fantastic and I highly recommend them. I cannot wait for book three.
2. Harry Potter books one through seven (really it was 5-7, but I started from the beginning and read again). By book seven I realized how incredibly talented J.K. Rowling is. I miss Harry and the gang, and I'm still upset about a couple of the characters who died (no spoilers here).

3. The Book Thief. This book was originally intended for adult audiences in Markus Zusak's native Australia, but is categorized as young adult here in the U.S. Go figure. It does have an adult theme--Nazi Germany, but I think today's teens and young adults can handle the subject matter.

The book is narrated by Death himself and details the life of a young foster girl named Leisel, in Nazi Germany. It completely swept me off my feet.

4. Wake and Fade by Lisa McMann.
I already did a review of Wake a couple of weeks ago, and recently finished Fade. I loved it just as much. It kept me riveted with a few surprises and I cannot wait for Gone to come out!

5. Shiver by Maggie Steifvater.
Originally, I wasn't going to include Shiver on my list because a couple parts of the story dragged for me and others frustrated me (i.e. the parts with her parents).

But the concept of the story was so awesome (here it is, from Amazon):

For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind her house. One yellow-eyed wolf--her wolf--is a chilling presence she can't seem to live without.

Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: In winter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and the silent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious months of being human . . . until the cold makes him shift back again.

Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes her breath away. It's her wolf. It has to be. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human--or risk losing himself, and Grace, forever.

And, I cried like a baby at the end and thought about it for days after. So it must have meant something to me.

So there you have it.

And you?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Day-After Christmas...

The house is a mess, wrapping paper is scattered everywhere, pine needles are falling at a rapid rate.

We're still in our PJ's, eating chocolate covered animal crackers, putting together our umpteenth Leggos set, moving at a snail's pace, savoring out family time.

LOVE this hostess gift my sister brought me on Christmas Eve. See the wine label?

haha- PERFECT!

See ya in a couple more days!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

T'was the Night Before Christmas


Can you believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve? And I STILL have a couple more things to buy...I am moving much more slowy this year, for some reason.

Anyway, I've been to my share of holiday parties and I am loving the colors I am seeing this season.

Of course, the GREENS (my favorite):
holiday 2009 greens
And the REDS:
holiday 2009 reds

But also, lots of gorgeous BLUES:

holiday 2009 blues

holiday 2009 grey/silvers


I have also seen my share of pretty lights and decorations.

And of course, there are the trees. Oh the trees. So pretty.

Here's Rockefeller Center's:

Check out this University of Aalborg Library Christmas Tree:
And this Spinning Fiber Optic tree: Or this tree in Paris made from recycled bottles (photo from Brisbane Times):

A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours. See you in a few days!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Remember Our Pets This Holiday Season

I KNOW that asking you to read this is like asking you to poke yourself in the eyes a few times.

It may sting. It may hurt. It may make you cry.

But. After spotting a mangy little dog digging through a garbage can the other day (while on a walk with my well-fed, maybe over-fed, chocolate lab), I felt sick to my stomach and immediately thought of this email someone sent me.

And it's the exact reason why we have a stocking hanging on our Mantle with our dog, Reilly's name on it, soon to be filled with treats. She has no clue what day of the week it is or that it's a holiday. She only knows that we are home, and she can lay by our feet.

So here's to all of our beloved pets out there:


1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.

5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.

6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.

7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.

9. Please take care of me when I grow old - remember, you too, will grow old.

10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me, please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.

So be sure to hug your pet today ;-)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Texting Gloves...

...or in my case, iPhone gloves.

I purchased these this week after being aggravated for the umpteenth time that my iPhone doesn't work with gloved fingers--ARGHHH!!! Many a missed calls I had while clumsily pulling off my gloves and then going for my phone!

See the cute little button (on the finger and thumb) to hold the material back so you can do as you please? if you get cold, just undo the button and put the material back in place.

So 'natch, I figured they'd make a great practical gift for others on my list--and yours as well? They are available at Target for under ten bucks in several colors.


I am crossing my fingers that my new URL finally takes effect this weekend!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Favorite Holiday Dessert: Easy Cheesecake

I always make this for the holidays and it's a HUGE hit. It is so simple to make, yet TO DIE FOR!!

Here's what you need:

2 cans of refrigerated cresent rolls (you heard me right-people are always surprised)

2 8 oz. packages of cream cheeses

1 cup of sugar

1 tbs. of vanilla

1 stick of butter, melted

Some cinnamon and sugar mixed together (how ever much you want to use to sprinkle the very top-maybe half a cup)


1. Unroll and spread one of the cresent rolls on the bottom of the pan. pinch the sides together.
2. Mix together the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Then spread the mixture on top of the crescent roll layer.
3. Unroll and spread the other crescent roll layer on top of the cream cheese layer.

4. Pour the melted butter on top , and then sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture on top of that (I use alot).

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes (until top is lightly toasted).

Cool and cut into squares! It makes alot so I usually divvy it up and bring it various functions.

The reason why this picture of them looks messy is b/c we couldn't wait for them to cool and set b/f sampling--ha ha

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On My Holiday Wish-list

1. The perfect pair of riding boots. The pair below, by Steven Dann, are WAY out of my price range, but they're pretty to look at.

2. A gift card to Amazon or a bookstore so I can get books,books,books...

3. A girl can dream, right? *sigh* The perfect Cashmere cardigan.
This one is from Neiman Marcus.

4. A coloful iPhone case (an iSkin).

5. Philosophy bath products (from QVC)...ahhh.

What's on yours?