Showing posts with label Monday Morning Mumblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Morning Mumblings. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Morning Mumblings

1. In honor of Banned Book Week, I need to order this cool tee from Cafe Press. And of course, I shall revisit a banned book, like SPEAK.

2. My seven-year-old is begging for a kitten to snuggle with and call his own. We currently have a nine-year-old chocolate Labrador Retriever. Maybe it's time...

3. If you look at my sidebar, you'll see something new. Finding an agent again is kind of like a second marriage (thanks for the analogy, Stina). I'm cautiously optimistic that this partnership will make my dreams come true.

But I don't want to wear that big white dress and traipse down the middle aisle this time. I just want to keep moving along, quietly content that this lovely person took a chance on my work and believes in me.

For those traveling down the same road, I only moved around that pothole where the terrain feels less bumpy for now (because we all know there are still no guarantees). But there's a turn up ahead and I hear it has its own sets of craters and boulders. I'll see you there!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Morning Mumblings

Don't worry, I won't mumble too much. And I'll speak up so you can hear me. :D

1. We did so much yard work this weekend (weeding, mulching, etc.) that my arms and tush hurt. But hey, the garden look great. That's the payoff for hard work, right?

2. The #YASAVES hash tag has been trending this weekend and I've been reading all the great tweets. If you haven't heard about it yet, it's based on a unflattering Wall Street Journal article about what you find on YA shelves. You can read agent Janet Reid's opinion HERE! In a nutshell, she tells them to STUFF IT!

3. Tomorrow is the launch of Elana Johnson's novel POSSESSION. And I couldn't be happier for her. My Kindle copy downloads at midnight! Tell me, will YOU be reading it?

4. School's OUT in two days and somehow that overwhelms me. There is so much going on in the next two months with summer camp activities, visiting relatives, and tons of other plans. And I feel unprepared.

5. And nervous that I won't get my newest idea drafted. Or my jewelry orders completed. Or my freelance stuff done. The summer is different for work-at-home moms. Your territory is invaded and you have to adjust. But you always do and summer ends up being GREAT.

Tell me what you're mumbling about today!