Showing posts with label Quick Friday Five. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quick Friday Five. Show all posts

Friday, September 16, 2011

Quick Friday Five

1. We're going to a clambake this weekend which means that fall is officially coming, right?

2. I'm in a couple different places on the interwebz today. I'm over at A Tapestry of Words where it's Psychtember month, and given my background in mental health, Danya asked me to write a blog post. Mine is entitled, "How To Get Parents Off Our Backs (in YA novels)". It goes live today at Noon EST.

3. I also donated my Typewriter Key Necklace over at Read For Relief to help victims of Hurricane Irene.

4. If you visit me at one of those two places above, I would totally give you a virtual hug and cupcake! If you don't have time right now and want to say hello to me here, that's okay too!

5. I hope you guys have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Quick Friday Five

1. The long Labor Day weekend always signifies an ending, a drifting away.

2. So we'll catch our final fireflies,

 3. Gaze up at the moon a few times more,

 4. Wonder at the Blue Angels as they blow into town,

5. Before finally tucking summer into bed.


(IMAGES:We Heart It )

Friday, October 8, 2010

Quick Friday Five

1. My husband left today to visit his brother in Thailand (he owns a coffee company there) for two weeks.
2. He went with his father, which warms my heart. But, in almost ten years together, this will be the longest we've ever been apart.

3. And believe me, I know I've got nothing on those military wives who are so very brave and strong.

4. But everything is relative. So I am thankful for technology: smart phones and Skype!

5. Plus we have a visitor of our own. Evan's nana came to see him for awhile. It'll help make the time go faster.

P.S. I'm secretly jealous that I can't share this trip with him, but I'd never be comfortable with both of us leaving kidlet for two weeks half-way around the world. Plus, the flight there (about 20 hours) would be a KILLER. Just sayin'...



Friday, September 3, 2010

Quick Friday Five

1. Our boat, ya know, the one we just got in May? It's been in the shop with a blown engine for the last two months. :-(

2. In the boat's defense (remember, her name is FILOMENA?), she was used, belonged to my friend's father for many years, and probably something like this was bound to happen.

3. Anyway, FILOMENA has the potential to be all fixed up today(with a re-built engine, thanks to hubby's co-worker). Fingers and toes CROSSED!

4. Just in time for a three-day Looong Labor Day Weekend. WOO-HOO!

5. AND, the Air Show is in town! The Blue Angels look kick-Ass from a boat!


Friday, July 16, 2010

Quick Friday Five

1. We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge Water Park this weekend. My six-year-old is chomping at the bit. He loves it there so much.

2. But going to the water park pretty much means I have to live in a bathing suit for 24 hours and feel comfortable in it.

3. I thought about my suit from three years ago, and how I felt like I was falling out of it in all the wrong places. I took a sidelong glance at the Land's End clearance catalogue. I ordered a tankini and swim shorts (yep, shorts) on clearance and expedited shipping. Ahh, now I feel more comfortable.
4. I pretty much suck at novel openings. Also, I seem start my stories in the wrong places.

5. I asked my ninja beta reader, Kate, to look at my first chapter and help me out. She gave it the one-two kick and has me starting in a new place. I bow down to you, Kate! Mighty intelligent, you are (that's a Yoda reference/inside joke for you, mighty beta reader).


Friday, June 25, 2010

My Quick Friday Five

1. My in-laws are visiting from Florida. My MIL brought me a very special surprise. For those who might remember my quest to find a certain kind of whipped peanut butter in my area, I present to you:

*let the happy dance commence*

2. When you have guests in town (for three weeks) it's hard to get motivated to work (instead of play), especially since I work from home. *sigh* Regardless, my jewelry orders and newspaper deadlines await!

3. After hearing Rachele's query story (on yesterday's post), I am feeling a little more settled about this whole querying process. I am refreshing my email every 20 minutes now, instead of every five. It's an improvement.

4. I look forward to my weekend plans that include a certain six-year-old's party, a belated Father's Day brunch, and boating. Weather, you had better hold up!

5. I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEKEND as well!