Showing posts with label Summer 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer 2012. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Full Speed Ahead

Back to school always feels like a new and refreshing start. The notebooks are blank, the pencils sharpened, the crayons unbroken. The world seems full of possibilities.

And that's how I feel after being on a month-long-blog-hiatus. The longest I've taken in more than four years.
I wrote lots, organized tons, and thought about what blogging means to me. I needed to view this form of social media with a fresh set of eyes.

So I've made changes that are probably not obvious--the biggest being my outlook. I also removed some numbers and counters and tried sprucing the place up. Simply doing that reduced the pressure and fatigue I was feeling.

I'll blog from a good place, on my own timeline, and cultivate the awesome on-line relationships I've made over the years. I don't want to get sucked into the "numbers matter" vortex again--it messes with my head, feels unhealthy, and in the end doesn't mean squat. Not really. Not when it comes to reaching my future YA audience. Not when it doesn't feel authentic.

Truth be told, it always comes down to the writing. And the writing is part of my bigger dream. And I need to do what it takes to nurture that, always.

It feels good, this new start.  Hope you're doing well, too!

p.s. That pic is of my Little Bean (sticking his tongue out at me) on his first day of school. :-)