Showing posts with label Television. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Television. Show all posts

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Make The Bad Guy BADDER

In SAVE THE CAT, Blake Snyder says: If your HERO seems average, unheroic, insignificant, boring, maybe it's the ANTAGONIST that's the problem. So make the bad guy BADDER! 

Sometimes we want our hero to win so badly that we don't make it impossible for him to do so. We don't up the ante or have him take larger risks. Making the bad guy badder automatically makes the hero BIGGER!

But here's what I would add (if I may, Mr. Snyder): Make both of them more complex and therefore, more compelling! It's obvious that the reader needs to feel something for the protagonist, so we spend loads of writing time making sure that the reader cares.

But what if the reader feels conflicted--just a little--for the antagonist, too? Moments of compassion or understanding or insight.


He is one BAD dude. But wait a minute--what's this softer side he shows around Caroline? Why does Klaus suddenly look cuter, sexier, more appealing? *bow chicka wow wow*

Or how about Lady's Maid O'Brien, in DOWNTON ABBEY?

Behind the scenes she's self-serving, mean, and vindictive. But in season one (that's as far as I got, so no spoilers from season two, please), she shows a conscience and a certain helplessness during the soap/bathtub/baby scene with Lady Cora.

And last but not least, Cersei Lannister in GAME OF THRONES.

I mean, let's face it, there are so many villains in this book/television series it's hard to choose just one. But from the beginning she's compelled me.

Vicious in her own right as the Queen Dowager, she had a direct hand in who her evil son Joffrey has become on the throne (I find NO redeeming qualities in him yet). Still, she's quite vulnerable when it comes to love (no matter how masochistic it might be) and the well-being of her children.

Who would you add to this list?


Friday, September 30, 2011

Freeze Frame Friday: Angela and Jordan

Talk about a show that represented quintessential teen angst. And only nineteen episodes were filmed before My So Called Life was cancelled. :-(

I sometimes picture Angela and Jordan when trying to write "emo" scenes. To capture the tension and longing they conveyed with only their eyes.


(P.S. Stina and I still have spots available to critique your first 50-100 words in our workshop. Email me if you want yours included.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Creating Dimensional Antagonists

As a general rule, it's important that your antagonist display some sympathetic characteristics.

It humanizes them, if you will (unless they're a vampire, demon or zombie). :-)

The reader will feel more than one way about the antagonist (beyond plain hatred), keeping them invested in the plot. It also helps the reader understand your antagonist's journey better.

Take Lord Voldemort in the HARRY POTTER books. When Dumbledore told Harry about Voldemort's childhood, it gave me a good sense of who Voldemort was and where he went wrong. I even felt sorry for him at one point, which made his evil deeds more gut-wrenching.

Movies and television shows create multi-dimensional antagonists all the time (if the script is well written). The masterpieces that were Godfather I and Godfather II made me care about and despise certain characters all at once, as did The Sopranos series.

Consider these antagonists and how we feel about them:

Damon in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: He was the main antagonist at the very beginning of the series, but has evolved since then. Besides the fact that he's *bowchickawowwow*, Damon shows a softer side in his unrequited love for Elena, but continues killing innocent humans in fits of anger.
Sue Sylvester in GLEE: She a meanie and plots revenge, but still visits her developmentally disabled sister on the weekends (and calls her sister her hero).
Albie in BIG LOVE: Yes, he's a horribly mean, conniving killer. But, he was raised by a brutal father and is a closeted gay man yearning for love.

(photo sources:,,

See You on Thursday!

Friday, February 11, 2011

In Honor of Le' Kiss (Le' Sigh)!

So today I thought I'd celebrate the art of KISSING!

But first, a reminder about Monday--the BIG day!

The Just Kiss Already Blogfest Stina and I hosting! We are starting at 7 am EST!

There are fifty of us now! Click HERE for the easy peasy rules!


Now back to the KISSING!

The building tension, intense eye contact, the distance closing, and then BAM! Shiver me timbers. :D I love writing those scenes!

So here are (some of) my favorite KISSES. It was hard to choose!

From the movie ATONEMENT (in the library, with the green dress):

From the television series THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (last season in Stephan's driveway, right after Elena tells him she loves him):

And, in the book PERFECT CHEMISTRY, their first kiss in Alex's house from his POV!


(sources:,, Amazon)

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Spirit of Christmas?

Last week, while reading the book, HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS, I realized something.

It's kind of hard to explain Christmas spirit to a six-year-old.

We got to the part near the end, when the towns people gathered round, and held hands singing.

"And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. "

"And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"

And a moment of realization crossed my son's face. The synopses were firing off in his brain. He stared and stared at the page, and then opened his mouth to share his words of wisdom.

"Mom, those whoville people OBVIOUSLY don't know yet, that their trees and presents are gone!"

*face palm*



Thursday, November 18, 2010

First Crushes

My friend emailed me about attending her high school reunion and seeing my first crush (he went to that other catholic school across town).

Apparently, she mentioned my name and he "remembered me."

Um, he better! Remember the back seat of that crappy Chevy Nova and...and... *sigh*

Just because he was my first crush didn't mean I was his! He was older, after all.

So it got me thinking about my childhood and boys and crushes.

I was a total 70's-early 80's wild child.

And I copied my older sister a lot.

When she hung up posters of Shaun Cassidy from The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries series (am I aging myself?), I hung the other heart-throb in the series: Parker Stevenson!

Oh.Yeah.Baby *bow-chicka-wow-wow*

And when she hung up David Cassidy from The Partridge Family on her bedroom wall, I hung up teen idol/singer: Leif Garrett!

That's right. uh.huh.

How do these *hotties* compare to the characters in my YA books? hotties are more quiet and unassuming, but they do seem to bushy hair and pretty eyes. :D


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another Great Thing About Fall...

The Season Premieres of some of my favorite shows.... LIKE:

Vampire Diaries (Damon is gaining on Stephan *swoon*):
America's Next Top Model (sure, Tyra's wacky...and?):
Dexter (how can they possibly TOP Season 4?): Glee (season 2!): My DVR will be on overdrive!

And I'm looking forward to finally tuning in to Modern Family and the new Nikita (I used to watch it when it was a series on USA years ago, and I saw both movie versions too). I'll also admit to being a total Kardashians whore. Let's face-it, I'm a total TV junkie!

Anything I'm missing?


Monday, July 19, 2010

Sometimes Words Are Not Necessary

The other day, little man was watching Sponge Bob (of course), but then became very still and quiet well past the time the program ended.

I walked into the room and saw he was completely captivated by The Pink Panther. And I was sooooo geeked about it.

The Pink Panther was one of my favorite shows growing up.

And I guess in today's age of loud noises, and cool special effects, I didn't think my child would be drawn to SILENCE.

Yes, there's the Pink Panther music (da da da dum), but no words.

Considering some of his favorite picture books (and mine) are by author David Wiesner, it's not such a far stretch.His wordless picture books are KING in our house.

All it takes is a little imagination...

Thursday, May 27, 2010


...they are sad, indeed. But new beginning are right around the corner, eh?

Check out these cakes dedicated to LOST from

For the record:

I enjoyed the LOST ending and I think I finally got it all figured out. Yeah, right.
This link, really says it all for me.

But I despised the 24 ending. I think they chumped out. It was the same old, same old. Sigh.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Golden Globes 2010

There are only two award shows I watch beginning to end every year, and The Golden Globes is one of them!

Yeah for Glee!! And for Michael C. Hall for his Dexter role!!

And now onto the dresses! I felt pretty picky this year!

I liked the short dresses worn by Kristen Bell and Ginnifer Goodwin: And the long gowns worn by Sandra Bullock (for the purple), Maggie Gylanhall, Zoe Saldana, Lea Michelle and Halle Berry (who blew Mariah out of the water as far as revealing dresses are concerned--she knows how to do it right. Mariah always looks too.... cheap):

Best dressed male, in my opinion? (aka Mr. *HAWT*) Chace Crawford:

Avatar got best director and best movie, but I'm not sure it should have won for best picture. It's sure to win for special effects or cinematography at the Oscars.(photo sources: Examiner and Just Jared)


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Favorite Television Shows of 2009

These are the shows I consistently DVR'd. I would have included Mad Men in here but sadly, I wasn't consistent enough with it.

1. 24. Jack Bauer, you and I go back along way. To season one. Despite a couple of mediocre seasons, you still manage to keep me on the edge of my seat.
2. Lost. Sawyer, I am still rooting for you! And Sayid--*swoony swoon swoon*! 3. Dexter. There is just something so intriguing (and disturbing) about the life of a serial killer.
4. Glee. Love the music, the quirkiness, and the politically incorrect one-liners.
5.Vampire Dairies. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the story line. I personally don't think it's cheesy. The acting is pretty darn decent!

And I can't overlook Reality TV. I've watched parts of:

The real Housewives of Atlanta
American Idol
America's Next Top Model
Dancing With The Stars

Anything on E! like, Keeping Up with the Karsdashians, and Girls Next Door (not sure about this season)
Anything on Bravo, Like Tabatha's Salon Takeover

Tag, you're it!