Roni from
FICTION GROUPIE put together a dialogue blogfest today.
Which means picking a scene of dialogue to share. If you want to participate, head on over there and sign up.
I've learned lots of
dos and don't with dialogue over the past two years. And I could probably stand to learn even more.
*For one, use dialogue tags (he said, she said) only when neccessay to identify someone in the scene.
*And, only use other dialogue tags like: shouted, cried, sobbed, sparingly. I used
whispered in my scene below because they are in a classroom. But I probably didn't need to.
*What else should you use sparingly? Adverbs to descibe the dialogue. For example: "Get out!" John said
loudly. Delete loudly. The dialogue should stand on it's own. Use stronger dialogue if you need the reader to understand the emotion.
So, here's a scene from my paranormal YA, HANDS TOUCH.

It's between my protagonist, Callen and his best friend, Aaron. Callen is able to see a person's death by touching them. He just had a second vision about a female classmate. This time, he saw how she died AND who was involved.
“Tell me something already,” Aaron whispered. “It’s killing me. Not really killing me. You know what I mean.”
Aaron chuckled nervously. It was a bad attempt at humor.
Callen looked grim. “Like I said, it was more detailed this time.”
“Did you see the date again?”
“Yep. The night of the dance.”
Aaron shifted in his chair and cleared his throat a couple of times. “Did you see how again?”
“Same thing.” Callen casually put his hand around his throat because he didn’t want to say the word choke aloud for anyone to overhear.
Aaron's eyes widened. He covered his open mouth with his hand. “Was there a who this time?”
Callen's eyes looked sunken in from the ordeal. He squeezed them shut and sighed deeply.
Aaron swallowed loudly, asking nothing further for the moment. And Callen certainly wasn’t sharing it.
After another count of silence, Aaron seemed to muster enough courage to ask, “Who was it?”
Callen took a deep breath. Keeping his hand low, he pointed his finger up the aisle.
“Figure it out,” Callen whispered.
“Someone in this room?”
Callen nodded.
Aaron’s gaze searched the small room methodically until it finally landed on the right person. Awareness darkened his expression now.
“No!” Aaron mouthed.
** When I isolate a scene like this, I always find a ton of improvements I can make. Anyone else find that?